Princess Anne County, Virginia (2024)

Lawsons Named


County in Virginia



Norfolk & Princess Anne

Lower Norfolk was divided to create Norfolk and Princess Anne Counties in 1691. Princess Anne became Virginia Beach in 1952. See map 1691-1700


16 Feb 1690 /91

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 16 - Will of Thomas Skevington dated 16 January 1690/91 and probated 16 February 1690/91. Mention Wester Beasher, sister Elizabeth. Executors John Sandford and Col. Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Edward Norwood and Edward Berry.


13 Jan 1691 /92

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 31, Court dated 13 January 1691/92 – An order is granted Mr. George Newton against Col. Anthony Lawson and John Sandford, Executors of Thomas Shevington, deceased for the payment of 2,259 ½ pounds of tobacco and cask out of the said Shevington’s Estate…


4 Jan 1692

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 31 - William Moseley Jr. and John Moseley - our grandfather John Gookin left land to his only daughter Mary who married our father William Moseley and is now wife of Col. Anthony Lawson - now divide 640 acres. Witnesses Lemuell Phillips, Mathew Godfrey and James Peters. Dated 4 January 1692.


10 Jul 1692

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 51, Court dated 10 July 1692 – Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson was listed as one of the Justices in this Court and was shown as a Justice until 3 July 1701, the last time he was listed.


4 Jan 1692 /93

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 47, Court dated 4 January 1692/93 – Upon the petition of Thomas Lawson. It is ordered that Mr. Argall Thorowgood deliver to him that Estate which belongs to his wife, left her by her father Col. Adam Thorowgood, now in his hands.


3 May 1693

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 51, Court dated 3 May 1693 – Whereas Thomas Webb hath made apparel that the Estate of Thomas Skevington, deceased is in debt to him 2 pounds, 9 shilling and 4 pence. It is therefore ordered that Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, Executor of the said Skevington pay same to the said Webb from the said Skevington Estate with cost.


5 Jul 1693

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 40 - Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson formerly sold 1250 acres to Capt. Adam Keeling, and not having yet given him the deed now sells it to his daughter Ann Keeling; in the event she dies without issue then to her brothers Adam and Thomas Keeling. Witnesses Henry Woodhouse, Sarah Sandford and John Richason. Dated 5 July 1693.

Anthony & Frances

6 Sep 1693

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 43 - Anthony Lawson to son-in-law, Edward Moseley and wife Frances for 12 pounds sterling, half of 350 acres; other half to go to son Anthony Lawson. Witnesses John Fulcher, William Moseley Jr. and Richard Lester. Dated 6 September 1693.

Anthony, Mary, Margaret, Elizabeth, Anthony Jr. & Mary

15 Jan 1693 /94


Norfolk County, VA, Will Book 5, page 213 - Will of Thomas Walke, dated 11 July 1692 and probated 15 January 1693/94, he gave and bequeath unto his loving friends, Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, Mrs. Mary Lawson, Margaret, Elizabeth, and Anthony Lawson Jr. unto each of them 20 shillings to buy then a Ring a piece. Note: Thomas Walke was Justice of the County, 1715-1718; he married in 1689, Mary Lawson, daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Lawson, of Norfolk County and left issue: Anthony Walke, Thomas Walke and Mary Walke.

Anthony & Mary

15 Mar 1693 /94


Norfolk County, VA Deed Book 5, 1686-1695, pages 216-217 – I John Moseley of the Parish of Linhaven in Princess Anne County in Virginia, whereas Mr. John Gookin, late of Lower Norfolk County, deceased granted him by Patent dated 12 October 1641, 640 acres of land, situated on the western shore of Linhaven, which said land descend to Mary his only daughter and heir, now the wife of Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and mother of me, the said John Moseley and whereas my said father-in-law, the said Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson and my mother the said Mary, his wife, by deed of gift under their names and seals gave the said 640 of land unto my brother William Moseley and to me the said John Moseley to be equally divided; which accordingly was divided, as by an instrument in writing and the hands and seals of us the said William Moseley and John Moseley, dated 4 January 1692 and recorded and each of the part laid out and bounded as the said Instrument of Division may and will at large approved. Now know ye that I ye said John Moseley for and in consideration of the sum of 4,000 pounds of Bake Pork to me in hand paid by my kinsman Edward Moseley Jr. of Linhaven Parish in Norfolk County whereas I acknowledge… do give, grant, bargain, sell unto my said kinsman Edward Moseley Jr. one small tract of land contain 100 acres more or less and is part of the 640 acres… Whereof I the said John Moseley have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15 March 1693/94. Signed John Moseley. Witnesses Francis Moseley, John Fulsher and Bryan Cahill. Acknowledge in Court 15 March 1693/94.


26 Oct 1694

Princess Anne

Virginia Patent Book 8, page 398, 26 October 1694 - Col. Anthony Lawson, of Norfolk County, 1078 acres, Princess Anne County, in Currotuck Bay. 850 acres, part of 1680 acres granted John Sandford, 27 February 1680, who sold to Peter Smith, 16 May 1690, beginning nigh Thomas Morris and John Sandford, on west side of the long branch, &c. 228 acres due for import of 5 persons.


7 Mar 1694 /95

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 74, Court dated 7 March 1694/95 – Thomas Lawson suing John Martin (or Mailond) for payment of 415 pounds of tobacco and cast and 10 bushels of Indian Corn and the Defendant failing to appear, order is granted the said Lawson against Albertson his security for what shall appear due, unless he produces him next Court.


21 Apr 1695

Princess Anne

Virginia Patent Book 8, page 439, 21 April 1695 - Alexander Lisbon, 200 acres, Princess Anne County, south of the head of the east branch of Eliz. River. Adjacent Col. Lawson, Mr. Moseley's and Havacomb's patent, on run parting this and Mr. Robinson's land, &c. Import of 4 persons.


28 Aug 1695

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 98 - Margaret Roberts Power of Attorney to son Joseph to sell land belonging to her and husband Samuel Roberts Sr. Witnesses Thomas Lawson and Godwin Oust. Dated 28 August 1695.


12 Sep 1695

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 87, Court dated 12 September 1695 – Whereas there was an order of the last Court that the Justices belonging to this County should meet this day to confirm and appoint a convenient place for erecting and building a Courthouse for the County and having accordingly met, it is concluded and therefore ordered by and with the consent of Col. Anthony Lawson, Capt. Thomas co*cke and Mr. Edward Moseley that a Courthouse with all convenient place that proscribe may be erected and built upon the land belonging to the Brick Church of these dimensions following – 35 feet long and 20 fee wide, a partition to be at 20 feet and the 20 feet room for the Court to sit in to be covered with good thin clapboards and a chimney to be in the 15 feet room and that to be covered with good thick plank for a Jury room and also a good prison to be built 15 feet long and 10 feet wide, the walls to be built with good ___ set so that no man can get through. Where Justice also selected and heard together and that here be shock and pillory set up by the Courthouse and Mr. Beno. Burroughs and Capt. John Thorowgood are appointed and empowered to agree with a workman and to oversee the said word and the charge thereof to be defrayed by the County.


25 Oct 1695

Princess Anne

Virginia Patent Book 9, page 26, 25 October 1695 – Col. Anthony Lawson, 200 acres, Princess Anne County, in Little Creek Precincts, on southwest side of the new road, corner of William Wishart, George Fowlet, Hunter’s and Hatersby’s (Hattersley’s) lands. Import of 4 persons.


6 Nov 1695

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 87, Court dated 6 November 1695 – Whereas Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson hath made appear that there is due to him as surviving Executor of William Dundas, deceased from the Estate of Jna. Snayle, deceased by bill under the said Snayle’s hand, 6 bushels of Indian corn, 79 pounds of pork and 12 shilling and 6 pence Sterling. It is therefore ordered that Robert Humphrey who married the Administratrix of the said Snayle, pay the same to the said Lawson out of said Snayle Estate with cost.


6 May 1696

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 100, Court dated 6 May 1696 – Whereas Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson hath made appear that Richard Capp is indebted to him 230 pounds of tobacco. It is therefore ordered that he pay the same to said Lawson with cost.


5 Nov 1696

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 126 - Thomas Hattersley only heir of William Hattersley to Col. Anthony Lawson a tract of land in Little Creek for land in the woods toward North River. Witnesses Robert Thorowgood, Mark Powell and Thomas co*cke. Dated 5 November 1696.

Anthony & Frances

5 Nov 1696

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 127 - Col. Anthony Lawson 350 acres to be divided equally between Thomas Hattersley and my son-in-law Edward Moseley and Frances his wife. Witnesses Robert Thorowgood, Mark Powell and Thomas co*cke. Dated 5 November 1696.


5 Nov 1696

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 127 - Frances Brockett and wife Rebecca to Anthony Lawson land wife inherited from his father Joshua Cornwall in Little Creek. Witnesses Edward Moseley Sr., Robert Thorowgood and Mark Powell. Dated 5 November 1696.


5 Nov 1696

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 128 - Anthony Lawson to Francis Brockett 50 acres bought of Robert Thorowgood youngest son of Adam. Witnesses Edward Moseley Sr., Robert Thorowgood and Mark Powell. Dated 5 November 1696.


4 Mar 1696 /97

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 128, Court dated 4 March 1696/97 – Col. Anthony Lawson is appointed surveyor of the highways for the northwest side of the Little Creek.


6 Oct 1697

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 154 - Will of John Wharton dated 17 February 1696/97 and probated 6 October 1697 - Anne Seely late wife of John Seely, William Keaton. Executrix Anne Seally. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, James Lamount and Benoni Burrough.


28 Oct 1697

Princess Anne

Virginia Patent Book 9, page 82, 28 October 1697 - Anthony Lawson, Gentleman, 1356 acres, Princess Anne County. Escheated from Thomas Skevengton, deceased, by inquisition under William Randolph, Esquire, Esch'r and now granted, &c.


20 May 1698

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 165, Court dated 20 May 1698 – Col. Anthony Lawson assignee of John Ferrobee to be paid convenient in Princess Anne County. It is therefore ordered that he pay the same to the said Lawson with cost.

Same Court and page. Col. Anthony Lawson one of the Executors of Thomas Walke, deceased suing Francis Jones for payment of 4 pounds 11 shilling and 4 penceand half penny due by bill and the Defendant saying that he hath paid part of the said debt. Judgment is granted the said Lawson for the same but no execution until next Court, when the said Jones have liberty to make what just debt he can.


8 July 1698

Princess Anne

At a Court held 8 July 1698, present Col. Anthony Lawson, Mr. Beno Burrough, Capt. John Thorowgood and Mr. Edward Moseley, Justices. John Byrd and Anne, suing Charles Kinsey in an action of Defamation setting forth by their petition that the said Kinsey had falsely and scandalously defamed them, saying that the said Anne did ride him from his house to Elizabeth Russell's and that by such his discourse she was reported and rendered to be a witch or such like person, praying 100 pounds damage with cost; The Defendant for answer acknowledging that he had spoke words saying that he either dreamed or had such appearances, &c. The whole matter being put to a Jury who found for the Defendant.


9 Sep 1698

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 173, Court dated 9 September 1698 – Judgment confess by Alexander Keeling for payment of 662 pounds of pork due Col. Anthony Lawson, one of the Executors of Thomas Walke, deceased by bill and account. It is therefore ordered that he pay the same to the said Lawson with cost.

Same book and page. Col. Anthony Lawson, one of the Executors of Thomas Walke, deceased suing Francis Jones to the last Court for the payment of 4 pounds 11 shilling and 4 pence and half penny due by bill and the Defendant alleging that he had discount against the said bill, Col Lawson had judgment for the said debt but no execution to issue until his Court when the Defendant have liberty to bring his discount and making appear by a receipt that he had paid 30 shillings and alleging that he hath some more credit upon Mr. Walke’s book, the said 30 shillings is discounted out of the said bill and it is ordered that the said Francis Jones pay the remaining, being 3 pounds, 1 shilling and 4 pence with cost.


9 Sep 1698

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 174, Court dated 9 September 1698 – Whereas Jacob Johnson summoned Col. Anthony Lawson in the name and behalf of the Vestry of Lynhaven Parish in Chancery to the last Court setting forth by his bill in Chancery that according to an agreement with the said Vestry having built a Brick Church in the said Parish was to have paid him the said work as much tobacco as should appear to have been expended for the building and repairing of an Old Church then standing in the said Parish and alleging that there was not a part damage by doing the said work, the tobacco allowed him for the same being about 40,000 pounds not being sufficient to pay his disbursem*nts of the said work besides his own labor cost and ___ brings the matter to be ___ in equity, praying that the Court will appoint two indifferent person to examine the disbursem*nts concerning the said Old Church and if no just account can be found to what the said work may be worth, that so he may be paid in equity for his labor and Mr. Samuel Boush and Mr. Thomas Pratt being requested to search and examine the said accounts and give report to this Court and they having given no report and the Court offering to choose two more men to search and examine the said accounts and Mr. Johnson refusing it unless he can have choice of one which is contrary to his position. It is therefore ordered that the suit be dismissed.


9 June 1699

Princess Anne

English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records by Louis des Cognets Jr. - 9 June 1699 - List of Militia County Officers in Princess Anne County, VA - Lt. Col. and Commander-in-Chief Anthony Lawson and Major John Thorowgood.

Anthony & Elizabeth

7 Jul 1699

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 225 - Will of Capt. William Moseley Jr. dated 27 March 1699 and probated 7 July 1699 - Indicated he was son of William Moseley Sr., deceased. Mention Malachy son of William Harper and Elizabeth his wife and Forintis son of James and Mary Porter who were godsons of my wife Blandina, deceased, daughters Mary and Elizabeth, sons William and Richard (formerly his grandfather Poole's), two fathers-in-law, Col. Anthony Lawson and Maj. Francis Sayer, brothers Edward and John, sisters Margaret Thorowgood and Elizabeth Lawson, Josias Mackie, children of my brother Walke and Mary his wife. Executrix, wife Elizabeth. Witnesses Edward Moseley Jr., Thomas Hattersly and Phil Pightling.


21 Sep 1699

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 218, Court dated 21 September 1699 – Col. Anthony Lawson listed as one of the Justices of the Court. This Court required all Militia Officers and Civil Officers to take an Oath required by Act of Parliament instead of the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy. All had to signed that they took the test.

Also at the same Court and page 219 the following was stated. Whereas there hath been a horrid and detestable conspiracy fumed and carried on by _apisk and other wicked and traitorous persons for assassinating his Majesties Royal Person in order to encourage an invasion from France to ____ our Religion Land and Liberties, we whose names are hereunto subscribed, do heartily, sincerely and solemnly profess, testify and declare that his present Majesty King William is rightful and lawful King of these Realms and we do mutually promise and engage to stand by and assist each other to the utmost of our power in the support and defense of is Majesty most Sacred Person and Government against this late King James and all his adherents and in case his Majesty come to any violent or untimely death (which God forbid), we do hereby further freely and unanimity oblige our selves to unit associate and stand by each other in revenging the same upon the enemies and their ___ presents and in supporting and defending the succession of the cause according to an Act made I the first year of his Reign of King William and Queen Mary instituted an Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of his Subject and setting the secession of the Crown.

Under both of these entries were the signatures of – Anthony Lawson, John Thorowgood, Plomer Bray, Edward Moseley Sr., Frances Morse, Adam Thorowgood, Henry Spratt, Christopher Burrowgh, James Dauge, Henry Chapman, Heratio Woodhouse, Thomas Keeling, Edward Lamount, John Munerat, William Burrowgh and Thomas Boush – Militia Officers. Robert Vaughan, John Bolithoe, James Fitzgerate, William Cathril, Francis Jones and Peter Malbone – Constables.


4 Oct 1699

Princess Anne

At a meeting of the Justices, 4 October 1699 in Princess Anne County. Anthony Lawson was listed as one of the six Justices who attended.


8 Nov 1699

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 236, Court dated 8 November 1699 – Whereas John Everitt and wife, late of this County, deceased having several children belonging to Robert Richmond, her former husband and Col. Anthony Lawson as ____ to ye widow, motioning same to ye Court. It is therefore ordered that Col. Anthony Lawson take care of ye said Richmond’s children and take ye whole Estate into his possession until further orders and ye Col. Lawson pay ye charges as becomes due for their sickness and burial also furnish said children and negroes with all necessaries and that Col. Anthony Lawson be allowed for ye ____.


7 May 1700

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 251 - Will of Isabell Spratt dated 8 February 1699/70 and probated 7 May 1700 - Mentions son Henry Spratt and his wife Frances, daughter Amie, Sarah daughter of Henry Woodhouse and his wife Amie, son Thomas Spratt and his daughter Amy, daughter Mary, wife of Solomon White, daughter Isabel, wife of Patrick White, Col. Anthony Lawson. Executors, son Henry Spratt and son-in-law Henry Woodhouse. Witnesses Edward Moseley and Henry Chapman.


8 May 1700

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 247, Court dated 8 May 1700 – The difference between Thomas Lawson, Plaintiff and Robert Adams, Defendant being ended by the parties is ordered to be dismissed.

Thomas & Anthony

7 Nov 1700

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 262 - Will of Bryan Cahille dated 11 October 1699 and probated 7 November 1700 - Mentions Bryan Cahille, tailor - John Lawn, Patrick Condon, Thomas Lawson, Mary Stringer, Col. Anthony Lawson. Executor Col. Lawson. Witnesses John Thorowgood, Edward Moseley Sr., Mary Bryan and Sarah Elder.


10 Jan 1700 /01

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 264, Court dated 10 January 1700/01 – Col. Anthony Lawson suing Randolph Lewis to this Court and being both called according to Law, failing to appear, ye suit is therefore ordered to be dismissed.

Same Court and page. Col. Anthony Lawson suing William Quinto to this Court and both called according to Laws and failing to appear, ye suit is therefore ordered to be dismissed.


22 Apr 1701

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 267, Court dated 22 April 1701 – Whereas Lt. Col Anthony Lawson and Capt. Edward Moseley surviving Executors of Mr. Thomas Walke, deceased, suit between Ann Thorowgood, Executrix of Argall Thorowgood, deceased for payment of 16 pounds, 1 shilling and 10 ½ pence Sterling and 15 ½ bushels of Indian corn and 32 pounds of pork due by bill…


7 May 1701

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 277, Court dated 7 May 1701 – Judgment confess by John Branton for payment of 2 pounds, 6 shillings and 11 pence, payable by bill to Col. Anthony Lawson and Capt. Edward Moseley, surviving Executors of Mr. Walke, deceased. It is therefore ordered that John Branton pay ye same to ye said Lawson and Moseley accordingly with cost.

Thomas & Rose

3 Jul 1701

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 286, Court dated 3 July 1701 – Whereas Maj. John Adam, Robert Thorowgood and Thomas Lawson, in right of his wife Rose, said daughter of Col. Adam Thorowgood, suing Mrs. Anne Thorowgood, Executrix of Argall Thorowgood, deceased for ye performance of their father’s will and for certain legacies given by ye said Col. Thorowgood to them which now remains in ye said hands…

Anthony, Elizabeth & Thomas

1 Oct 1701

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 289, Court dated 1 October 1701 – Upon Petition of Elizabeth Lawson, Thomas Lawson, John Thorowgood and Lewis Conner, an order for a Commission of Administration is granted unto ye Estate of Lt. Col. Anthony Lawson, he dying intestate, they having done according to Law in such cases.


7 Jan 1701 /02

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 312 - Will of John Thoroughgood, of Princess Anne, dated 9 December 1701 and probate 7 January 1701/02, son of Lt. Col. Adam Thoroughgood, deceased - Son Anthony house my brother Francis Thoroughgood lived in, daughters Ann and Elizabeth, wife Margaret. Executrix wife. Witnesses Edward Moseley Sr., John Moseley Sr. and Abraham Plomer.

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 310, Court dated 7 January 1701/02 – Upon ye petition of Mrs. Margaret Thorowgood who is appointed Executrix of the Last Will of Lt. Col. John Thorowgood. A probated of ye said Will is granted her provided she gives security for ye same. Maj. Edward Moseley and Capt. Robert Thorowgood security.

Margaret & Thomas

6 May 1702

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 313, dated 6 May 1702 - Deed from Thomas Lawson, co-administrator of Col. Anthony Lawson, to his cousins John, Anthony and Margaret Thoroughgood, children of Lt. Col. John Thoroughgood. Refers to their mother, Margaret Thoroughgood. Witnesses William Moseley Sr. and C. co*cke.

Receipt of Margaret Thoroughgood, widow and executrix of Lt. Col. John Thoroughgood, to Thomas Lawson, "executor of my father Col. Anthony Lawson, deceased."


22 May 1702

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 328, Court dated 22 May 1702 – Mr. Thomas Lawson is shown as one of the Justices in this and the next Court.


1 Jul 1702

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 329, Court dated 1 July 1702 – Judgment confess by Otho Russell for payment of 382 pounds of pork payable to Mr. Thomas Lawson co-administrator of Col. Anthony Lawson, deceased. It is therefore ordered that he pay ye same to ye said Lawson according to specialty and cost.


2 Jul 1702

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 332, Court dated 2 July 1702 – Upon ye information of Mr. Thomas Lawson and Mr. James Leamont. Whereas a boy of Robert Richmond’s was formerly put to John Attwood who have abused him and do not deal kindness by him, it is therefore ordered ye John Attwood be summons to ye next Court and to bring ye said orphan with him to make answers to ye said complaint.

Same Court and page. Whereas at ye last Court order was granted William Walsworth, Administrator of John Everest for ye valuing of ye Estate of Robert Richmond, deceased that John Everest might be known, which being performed but not ye same duly prop____ yet, he prays Judgment for his due part of ye said Estate. It is therefore ordered that Mr. Thomas Lawson and John Richmond who have ye said Estate in their custody to pay to William Walsworth, Administrator of John Everest what shall appear to be due to him as by ye audit of Mr. Thomas Hall, Edward Attwood, Thomas Keeling by the ___ appears.

Anthony & Thomas

8 Jul 1702

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 335, Court dated 8 July 1702 – Whereas that Col. Anthony Lawson and Col. John Thorowgood were surveyors of ye Little Creek precinct who being removed by death and ye roads being since much out of repair. It is therefore ordered that Mr. Thomas Lawson be appointed to take charge of the roads and bridge of that precinct and that ye same be made good and passable and cleared according to the Law in that cause made and provided.

Anthony & Thomas

3 Sep 1702

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 337, Court dated 3 September 1702 – In a difference depending between William Walsworth, Administrator of John Everett (Everest?), deceased, Plaintiff and Mr. Thomas Lawson, Co-Administrator of Col. Anthony Lawson, deceased, Defendant being ended by the parties, the suit is therefore dismissed.

Same Court and page. In a difference depending between Mr. Thomas Lawson, Co-Administrator of Col. Anthony Lawson, deceased, Plaintiff and William Walsworth, Defendant being ended by ye parties, the suit is therefore dismissed.


8 Jan 1702 /03

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 347, Court dated 8 January 1702/03 – Whereas Mr. Thomas Lawson suing Robert Adams for payment of 220 pounds of pork due by bill and ye Defendant failing to appear and ye Shore to take Security, Judgment is therefore granted against shore for what shall appear due except he produce him next Court, attachment is granted ye Shore.

Thomas, Frances, Anne, George & Anthony

3 Mar 1702 /03

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 359, Deed dated 3 March 1702/03 - Thomas Lawson deed of gift to children Frances, Anne, George and Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Christopher co*cke and Sampson Trevethan.

Thomas, George & Anthony

5 May 1703

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 363, Deeds dated 5 May 1703 - Thomas Lawson deed of gift to son Anthony Lawson. Witnesses Christopher co*cke, Robert Peale and John Fulcher.

Same book and page - Deeds dated 5 May 1703 - Thomas Lawson deed of gift to son George Lawson. Witnesses Christopher co*cke, Robert Peale and John Fulcher.


5 May 1703

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 356, Court dated 5 May 1703 – Mr. Thomas Lawson shown as one of the Justices for this Court. Also – The difference depending between Mr. Thomas Lawson, Plaintiff against Mr. Jacob Cornick, Defendant being agreed by the parties and suit is therefore ordered to be dismissed.

Thomas, Rose, Anthony, George, Frances & Anne

4 Nov 1703

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 374 – Will of Thomas Lawson dated 27 October 1703 and probated 4 November 1703. Mentions wife Rose, son Anthony (punchbowl which was grandfather Robert Bray’s), child wife goes with, son George, daughters Frances and Anne. Executrix, wife Rose Lawson. Witnesses Edward Moseley, Richard Bolton and C. co*cke.

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 366, Court dated 4 November 1703 – Whereas Mrs. Rose Lawson, Relict of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased having by her Attorney, Mr. Lewis Conner present ye Last Will and Testament of ye said Mr. Thomas Lawson and upon ye Attorney’s petition a probate of ye said Will is granted her she being appointed Executrix thereof and having performed what ye Law requires.

Thomas Walke

1 Mar 1703 /04

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 384, dated 1 March 1703 - Inventory of Thomas Walke by Richard Church, Thomas co*cke, Thomas Butt and Thomas Mason of May 1695 - additional inventory given by Edward Moseley.

Rose, Anthony, Frances, George, Ann and Thomas

29 May 1704

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 397, Deeds dated 29 May 1704 - Rose Lawson deed of gift to children Anthony, Frances, George, Ann and Thomas Lawson. Witnesses C. co*cke and Richard Corbitt.


4 Nov 1704

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 391, Court dated 17 September 1704 – Rose Lawson, Executrix of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased is involved in 6 law suits over Thomas’ Estate.


4 Nov 1704

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 405, Deeds dated 4 November 1704 - Joan Fulcher deed of gift to children George, Thomas, Frances and Ann Lawson. Witnesses Charles Sayer and Richard Corbitt.

Rose, Anthony, George, Thomas, Frances, Anne & Thomas

3 Oct 1705

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 433, Deeds dated 3 October 1705 - Rose Lawson deed of gift to children Anthony, George, Thomas, Frances and Anne, children of Thomas Lawson, deceased. Witnesses Charles Sayer and Argall Thorowgood.


7 May 1707

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1691-1708, page 502, Deeds dated 7 May 1707 - Margaret Thorowgood deed of gift to children John, Anthony, Margaret and Mary children of Col. John Thorowgood, deceased. Witnesses Elizabeth Thorowgood and William Moseley.


9 Nov 1706

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Order Book 1, 1691-1709, page 451, Court dated 9 November 1706 – Col. Edward Moseley acknowledged to have received of Mrs. Rose Lawson, Executrix of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased towards a payment of ye said Lawson’s debt due to Mr. Thomas Walke’s Estate, the sum of 445 pounds in money which he desires may be admitted to record which is order according.

Charles Sayer

9 Sep 1709

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 2, 1708-1714, page 19, Deeds dated 9 September 1709 - Charles Sayer deed of gift to son-in-law (stepsons) John Thorowgood, son of Col. John Thorowgood and his brother Anthony Thorowgood. Witnesses Sampson Trevethan and Thomas Walke.

Anthony & Thomas

28 Apr 1711

Princess Anne

Virginia Patent Book 10, page 25, 28 April 1711 - John Fulcher, 2240 acres (Old Land), Princess Anne County, commonly called the Great Wash, on the Seaboard side, near Corotock Inlet. Beginning at the Little Wash, alias New Inlet, running the several courses of Corotock River, to Cowpen Creek, Cowpen Bay and Back Bay. It being the Land, sand banks and marsh found within patent of 1356 acres grant Mr. John Moore and Mr. Thomas Skeveington, 20 April 1682 and due the latter in right of survivorship, dated 20 September 1683 and since the decease of said Skeveington escheated by Col. Antho. Lawson, as by Escheat Patent, 29 October 1697, by decease of said Lawson it fell to his son, Thomas as heir to his father's estate and by him one half part sold to said Fulcher, 10 July 1702 and by deed of gift of said Thomas Lawson, 5 May, 1703, the other moiety to his son Anthony Lawson. Import of 24 persons.


4 Aug 1714

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 2, 1708-1714, page 229, Deeds dated 4 August 1714 - John Shirley deed of gift to children John and George. Witnesses Christopher Burrough, Hillary Moseley and Anthony Lawson.

Thomas, Thomas, George, Anthony and Rose

2 Jul 1718

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 3, page 21, Court 2 July 1718 – Upon the petition of Mr. Lemuel Newton, guardian of Thomas Lawson surviving son of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased. It is ordered that Col. Edward Moseley Administrator of said Thomas, Elder, pay and deliver unto ye said Lemuel one negro boy, called Robin, a girl called Jenney, given to George Lawson, deceased, a negro boy called Jack, a girl called Nancy, given by deed to Anthony Lawson, also deceased. There was a long list of items. Those of interest are: - 6 spoons marked AL, 6 spoons marked A 1695, a pair of gold shirt buttons, one third of a large seal ring marked with a heart, half of Anthony Lawson’s third part or the ring, one third of a ring with diamonds in it, a keep ring given by Mr. Hulcher, two gold keep rings of 20 shillings value, furniture, silk curtains, blankets, sheets, napkins, two table cloths, one marked AL and the other GL, a silver porringer marked TM, one negro boy called Lemuel, one called Ned, one called Sam, given by Mrs. Rose Lawson’s deed of gift. The list goes on with other items marked with TL and TM. The bottom part of the page torn is missing.


3 Jun 1719

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 3, 1714-1724, page 258, Will of John Thorowgood dated 16 May 1718 and probated 3 June 1719 - Mentions son John, wife Pembrook, daughter Margaret, sister Mary, mother Margaret Sayer, father-in-law Charles Sayer, brother Arthur. Executors, wife, Thomas Walke and Charles Sayer. Witnesses Thomas Thorowgood, Francis Thorowgood and Charles Sayer.


1 Nov 1721

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 3, page 124, Court 1 November 1721 – Upon the motion of Thomas Lawson, an orphan of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased, it is ordered that Lt. Col. Thomas Walke be admitted his guardian and the he take care of said orphan and his Estate during his internship.


3 Jan 1721 /22

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 3, page 130, Court 3 January 1721/22 – Upon the motion of Lt. Col. Thomas Walke, guardian of Thomas Lawson surviving son of Mr. Thomas Lawson, Gentleman, deceased. It is ordered that Mrs. Margaret Newton, Administrator of Mr. Lemuel Newton, also deceased, who was former guardian for ye said orphan, pay and deliver unto ye said Walke one negro boy, called Robin, a girl called Jenney, a boy called Jack, a girl called Nancy, a boy called Sam and . There was a long list of items. Those of interest are: - 6 spoons marked AL, 6 spoons marked A 1695, half a large hoop ring marked TW 1693, half of gold shirt buttons, one third of a large seal ring marked with a heart… many of the same items as in the entry for 2 July 1718 but did not mention his brothers or mother.

Thomas & Thomas

5 Feb 1723 /24

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 3, page 193, Court 5 February 1723/24 – Upon the petition of Thomas Lawson only surviving child of Mr. Thomas Lawson, deceased it is ordered that Mr. Katharine Walke, one of ye Executors of Lt. Col. Thomas Walke, deceased, late guardian of ye said orphan pay and deliver unto ye petitioner all his whole Estate, real and personal, he having given the Court Security, ye orphan not being of full age, out of his testators Estate.


3 Feb 1724 /25

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 4, 1724-1735, page 8, Deed dated 3 February 1724 - William Carroway and wife, Ann and John Dauley and wife, Mary, two of daughters of William Moore to Daniel Frizell for 17 pounds, two-thirds part of 100 acres in the Western Shore. Witnesses Francis Morse, Thomas Lawson, Thomas Carroway and James Carroway.


4 Aug 1725

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 3, page 233, Court 4 August 1725 – Thomas Lawson, Gentleman came into Court and acknowledged his deed of lease and release for land and appurtenances unto Maximilion Boush the younger Gentleman above wos request ye same is ordered to be recorded.


4 Dec 1728

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 5, Court 4 December 1728 – Col. Edward Moseley came into Court and acknowledged his lease and release for 14 3/4 lots of land in New Town, to Mr. Thomas Lawson, who request the same, is ordered to be recorded.

Thomas & Frances

4 Feb 1728 /29

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 12, Court 5 February 1728/29 – Mr. Thomas Lawson came into Court and acknowledged lease and release of 27 acres of land more or less (also Frances wife of ye said Thomas, relinquishing all her right of Dower thereto) to Nathaniel Hutching, at whose request the same, is ordered to be recorded.


3 Sep 1729

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 33, Court 3 September 1729 – Mr. Thomas Lawson, his suit against Thomas Wise, sailor is ordered to be dismissed, the defendant paying fees.


4 Aug 1731

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 113, Court 4 August 1731 – William Clansey, his suit against Capt. Thomas Lawson, is ordered to be dismissed, the Defendant paying an Attorneys fee and cost.


1 Sep 1731

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 116, Court 1 September 1731 – Capt. Thomas Lawson, his suit against John Cannon, is ordered to be dismissed, the Defendant paying fees.

Thomas & Frances

7 Dec 1732

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 161, Court 7 December 1732 – Capt. Thomas Lawson came into Court and acknowledged lease and release for 2 acres and one rode of land in New Town, also Frances wife of the said Lawson, relinquished all her right of Dower thereto) to Capt. William Parson on whose motion, ye same is ordered to be recorded.

Mary, Margaret & Anthony

5 Jun 1734

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 4, 1724-1735, page 541, Depositions dated 5 June 1734 - Depositions of Edward Moseley, age 73 years, John Moseley, age 64 years and Margaret Sayer, age 59 years, that Thomas Walke, merchant who came from Barbados married Mary, daughter of Anthony Lawson and had three children - Thomas, Anthony and Mary.

Thomas, Frances, Anthony, Thomas & Charles

7 May 1735

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 4, 1724-1735, page 549, Will of Thomas Lawson dated 18 March 1731/32 and probated 7 May 1735 – Mentions wife, Frances, three sons, Anthony, Thomas and Charles. Executors, wife and father-in-law Charles Sayer.

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 264, Court 7 May 1735 – The Last Will ad Testament of Capt. Thomas Lawson, deceased was presented in Court by Frances Lawson his Executrix, who made ye Oath thereto and being proved by the Oaths of George Weblin and Richard Dudley witnesses thereunto is admitted to record and on the motion of ye said Frances Lawson and her performing what is usual in such cases certificate is granted her for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 4, page 286, Court 5 November 1735 – The Inventory and appraisem*nt of Capt. Thomas Lawson, deceased, his Estate being retuned is ordered to be recorded.

Thomas & Frances

7 Jun 1738

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 5, page 22, Court 7 June 1738 – On the Motion of Col. Samuel Boush, who married ye widow and Executrix of Captain Thomas Lawson, deceased, ordered that Charles Sayer, Capt. Nathaniel Newton and Arthur Sayer adjust and settle the decedent’s Estate, also examined the said Boush’s account relating to ye orphan’s of ye said Thomas and report their proceedings to the next Court.


7 Mar 1738 /39

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 5, page 50, Court 7 March 1738/39 – In the suit Anthony Lawson and others against Batson Whitehurst, a Special Imparlance granted ye Defendant to next Court.

Anthony, Thomas & Charles

6 Jun 1739

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 5, page 60, Court 6 June 1739 – Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson by Charles Sayer, their guardian, Plaintiffs against Batson Whitehurst, Defendant in Trespass, jury called (named the members of the Jury), Defendant appeared whereof on this order they say nonsuited.

Margaret, Thomas, Charles & Anthony

5 Nov 1740

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 5, 1735-1740, page 504, Will of Charles Sayer dated 18 August 1740 and probated 5 November 1740 - Mentions wife, Margaret, son Arthur, daughter Frances Boush, daughter Elizabeth Newton, grandchildren Mary Boush, Thomas Lawson, Charles Lawson, Anne Newton, Anthony Lawson, Arthur Boush and Frances Sayer, son-in-law Nathaniel Newton. Executor, son Arthur Sayer. Witnesses Thomas Hunter, Patience Burrought and Mary Saunders.

Anthony, Thomas & Charles

5 Feb 1745 /46

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 34, Court 5 February 1745/46 – Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson, infants, by Col. Samuel Boush and Frances, his wife, their guardians, against Simon Whitehurst – Trespassing. The Defendant call but failing appear, on the prays of the Plaintiffs, an attachment is granted to them ___ ___to the next Court.

Anthony, Thomas & Charles

5 Mar 1745 /46

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 38, Court 5 March 1745/46 – Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson, Plaintiff against Simon Whitehurst, judgment is referred to trail.


15 Jul 1746

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 6, 1740-1747, page 578, Deed of Sarah Taylor dated 15 July 1746 - Sarah Taylor deed of gift to children Randall Jones and Ann Taylor. Witnesses Arthur Sayer and Anthony Lawson.

Anthony, Thomas & Charles

19 Aug 1746

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 56, Court 19 August 1746 – Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson, infants under the age of 21 years by Col. Samuel Boush and Frances, his wife, their guardians against Simon Whitehurst. A jury was impaneled and sworn. The jury found for the Plaintiffs and awarded 16 shillings on the Plaintiffs’ motion and it was ordered they recover from the Defendant the sum aforesaid by the jurors apart with cost. The Court having testified the trespass to be willful.


21 Oct 1746

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 6, 1740-1747, page 598, Deed of Capt. John Thorowgood dated 21 October 1746 - Capt. John Thorowgood to William Nash, ship carpenter of Norfolk for 5 shillings, 448 acres left by his father John know as Puggett's Neck. Witnesses Nathaniel Newton and Anthony Lawson.

Anthony, Thomas & Charles

10 Nov 1746

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 68, Court 10 November 1746 – Edward Land summons on ____ for Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson by Col. Samuel Boush and Frances, his wife their Guardian, for to ___ line unreadable___ and failing to appear and give testimony in the said cause, it is therefore order he be fine agreeable to ____ in that cause provided, unless he appears at the next Court and he give cause why he did not attend and give testimony in said suit.


21 Aug 1750

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 219, Court 21 August 1750 – Judgment is granted Thomas Lawson for 57 shilling and 6 pence that by ___ for Lemuel Castwright therefore ordered that he pay the same to the said Plaintiff with cost.

Anthony, Thomas & Thomas

15 Nov 1750

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 217, Deed of Anthony Lawson dated 15 November 1750 - Anthony Lawson deed of gift to Thomas Lawson, 400 acres given by father Thomas. Witnesses _____ Newton, James Nimmo and Gershom Nimmo.

Anthony & Thomas

16 Jan 1750 /51

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 236, Court 16 January 1750/51 – Thomas Lawson release to Anthony Lawson for timber and being ___ by the Oath of ___ the witnesses therefore ordered to be recorded.


19 Feb 1750 /51

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 242, Court 19 February 1750/51 – Then came Anthony Lawson into Court and acknowledged lease and release for 50 acres of land more or less to Henry Burgess and ordered to be recorded.


21 May 1751

Princes Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 260, Deed of Lemuel Boush dated 21 May 1751 - Lemuel Boush to Samuel Boush for 5 pounds, 600 acres - same land Col. Maximilliam Boush the Elder father to Samuel and grandfather to Lemuel bought of Morris Fitzgerald. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, James Holt and John Hamilton.


27 Aug 1751

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, marriage bonds - 27 August 1751, Thomas Keeling with Mrs. Elizabeth Lovett. Teste: Anthony Lawson, Thomas Keeling and George Weblin.


19 Nov 1751

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 279, Deed of Cornelius Calvert dated 19 November 1751 - Cornelius Calvert, Mariner of Norfolk County and wife, Elizabeth (on of the daughters and coheirs of John Thorowgood, Sr.) to Dr. Christopher Wright for 5 shillings, half of 705 acres where John Thorowgood, Sr. lived - other half to William Keeling and wife, Mary, other daughter of said Thorowgood. Witnesses Robert Dickson, Anthony Lawson, George Wishart and Thomas Wishart.

Anthony, Thomas & Charles

17 Dec 1751

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 6, page 283, Court 17 December 1751 – Judgment is granted Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson for 35 shillings due by bill from James Sherwood who is ordered to pay the same to the said Plaintiffs with cost.


17 Dec 1751

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 292, Deed of Daniel Hutchings dated 17 December 1751 - Daniel Hutchings, mariner of Norfolk to Robert Moseley for 5 shillings, 102 acres which Nathaniel Hutchings, father of Daniel purchased of John Hutchings. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, Gershom and William Taylor.


21 Jul 1752

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 333, Deed of James Smyth dated 21 July 1752 - James Smyth to James Hunter for 5 shillings, 120 acres on the Western Shore - some land which George Smith, deceased devised by his last Will to John Smyth, deceased father of the said James. Witnesses Thomas Lawson, Samuel Fentriss and Arthur Sayer.


20 Mar 1753

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 431, Will of Robert Martindale dated 17 January 1753 - Robert Martindale, mentions James Pasteurs of Norfolk County, brothers and sisters John Martindale at Cape Fear North Carolina, William Martindale, Elizabeth Todd, Jeane Barns and Mary Saul of Cumberland, England. Executor Edward Hack Moseley. Witnesses Robert Dickson, William Hanco*ck and Anthony Lawson.

Anthony & Thomas

18 Apr 1753

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 7, page 9, Court 18 April 1753 – Then came Anthony Lawson into Court and made Oath that Thomas Lawson, deceased departed this life without making any Will so far as he knows or believes and on the motion of the said Anthony and his performing what is required in such causes, certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration thereon in due form.


20 Jun 1753

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 483, Inventory of Thomas Lawson dated 20 June 1753 - Inventory of the estate of Thomas Lawson by Thomas Wishart, William Denny and Robert Moseley.


20 Jun 1753

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 7, page 32, Court 20 June 1753 – George, a negro man slave belonging to Anthony Lawson bound over to this Court to answer William Robinson, ___ing the peace, the Court having heard the said message of said Robinson, the said George, should be further ____ and therefore ordered that the said Anthony Lawson ___ into bond with ____ security in the sum of 25 pounds for the good behavior of the said George to the said William Robinson for 12 months and pay cost.


21 Aug 1753

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 502, Deed of Capt. William Ellegood dated 21 August 1753 - Capt. William Ellegood to Thomas Hunter for 100 pounds, land in Little Creek, heired from father John. Witnesses Thomas Walke, Anthony Lawson, Thomas Wishart and William Hunter.


20 Nov 1753

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 529, Deed of Joseph Walstone dated 20 November 1753 - Joseph Walstone and wife, Mary to Henry Burgess for 6 shillings, 50 acres known as Creedles left to Mary by her father Richard Garnor. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, John Ackiss, Jacob Hunter, Francis Land, son of Renatus Land.

Anthony, Charles, Thomas & Thomas Sr.

16 Apr 1754

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 580, Deed dated 16 April 1754 – Anthony and Charles Lawson to Elias Cornish of Curratuck, North Carolina for 5 shillings, 150 acres near Back Bay which their father Thomas left them and their brother Thomas who is since dead. Witnesses Francis Williamson, Thomas Walke and William Nimmo.

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 7, page 96, Court 16 April 1754 – Then came Anthony and Charles Lawson into Court and acknowledge lease and release for 150 acres of land to Elias Cornish and ordered to be recorded.


11 May 1754

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, marriage bonds - 11 May 1754, Nathaniel Newton with Mrs. Anne Ellegood, widow of Col. Jacob Ellegood. Teste: Arth. Sayer, Nathaniel Newton and Anthony Lawson.


18 Jun 1754

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 624, Deed of Nathaniel Newton dated 18 June 1754 - Nathaniel Newton deed of gift to daughter Margarette. Witness Anthony Lawson.


18 Jun 1754

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 625, Deed of Anthony Lawson dated 18 June 1754 – Anthony Lawson deed of gift to cousins Anne daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Newton and Charles son of Capt. Arthur Sayer.

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 7, page 114, Court 18 June 1754 – Then came Anthony Lawson into Court and acknowledged deed of gift to Anne Newton and Charles Sayer for two negro girls and ordered to be recorded.

Margaret & Anthony

19 Nov 1754

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 7, 1747-1755, page 661, Will of Margaret Sayer dated 18 May 1754 and probated 19 November 1754 - Will of Margaret Sayer mentions son Arthur Sayer, daughter Frances Boush, grandchildren Jonathan Saunders, Margaret Malbone, Anne and Margaret Newton, children of daughter Elizabeth, deceased, Anthony Lawson, Margaret Walke, Frances Sayer and Margaret Boush. Executor Arthur Sayer. Witness Anthony Walke, Elizabeth Parsley and Ann Moseley.


12 Sep 1755

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 22 - Audit, dated 12 September 1755, of the Estate of Jeremiah Barnes by James Kempe, Anthony Lawson and Tully Robinson.


15 Sep 1755

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 21 - Audit, dated 15 September 1755, of the Estate of Richard Sanderlin by Anthony Lawson and William Nimmo Jr.


16 Sep 1755

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 22 - Audit, dated 16 September 1755, of the Estate of Joseph Wallace by Anthony Lawson, Thomas Walke and William Nimmo Jr.


19 Oct 1756

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 7, page 253, Court 19 October 1756 – Ordered that Anthony Lawson be surveyor of the roads in Little Creek precinct, the he cause the same to cleared ___ and made according to Law.


15 Feb 1757

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 146 - Will of Monica Conner dated November 1756 and probated 15 February 1757 - Mentions sister Mary Wishart, wife of Thomas Wishart, niece Jacomin, daughter of Thomas and Mary Wishart, sister Clotilda Jones, wife of John Jones of Norfolk, her daughters Mary, Clotilda, Jane and Monica, niece Elizabeth Conner, daughter of my sister Charlotte Conner, Maj. Anthony Walke, son of Col. Anthony Walke, niece Mary Conner, daughter of my brother Lewis Conner, nephews Lemuel and Lawson Conner, nephew Charles Conner, nieces Abigail and Charlotte Conner, daughter of my sister Charlot, decease and Mary Conner, daughter of my brother Lewis, friend Jane Hansworth (?). Executors Thomas Wishart and Maj. Anthony Walke. Witnesses Anthony Lawson and Jonathan Saunders.


21 Apr 1757

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 198 - Division of property, dated 21 April 1757, between Christopher Wright and Priscilla Wright by Nathaniel Newton, Thomas Keeling and Anthony Lawson.


16 Aug 1757

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 204 - Audit, dated 16 August 1757, of the estate of John Dory by Anthony Lawson, George Wishart and Robert Moseley.


29 Jun 1758


Norfolk County, VA, Marriages Vol. 1, 1706-1792 – Anthony Lawson and Mary Calvert were married 29 June 1758 in Norfolk County, Virginia. Surety Maxmillian Calvert.


18 Jul 1758

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 265 – Dated 18 July 1758 – Audit of the estate of Thomas Lawson by Anthony Wake and George Logan.


29 May 1759

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 374 - Appraisal of the estate, dated 29 May 1759, of William Hanco*ck by Anthony Moseley, John Ince Jr. and Anthony Lawson.

Anthony, Thomas, Thomas and Charles

19 Aug 1760

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 509 - Deed dated 19 August 1760 from Anthony Lawson to Robert Dickson, Arthur Sayer and Jonathan Saunders, 1200 acres of marsh and sand banks known as the Wash - Anthony's share of land left by Thomas Lawson to sons Anthony, Thomas and Charles Lawson. Witnesses Edward Cannon, Thomas R. Walker and Tully Robinson.


18 Nov 1760

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 536 - Audit, dated 18 November 1760, of the Estate of George Webin Sr. by Anthony Lawson, George Wishart and Robert Moseley.

Thomas Walke

16 Jun 1761

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 613 - Will dated 28 November 1760 and probated 16 June 1761, Thomas Walke intending to go to the West Indies - wife Mary Anne, son Thomas, daughter Elizabeth Williamson, her husband Charles Williamson, daughters Molley, Frankey, Peggie and Anne, nephew Thomas Walke, Capt. James Kempe, cousin Anthony Walke, brother-in-law Capt. Arthur Sayer, sister Sayer, Capt. Edward Wright, brother Anthony Walke, nephews John and Anthony Walke. Executors, wife, Maj. Anthony Walke, brother-in-law Capt. Arthur Sayer, Capt. Jonathan Saunders and brother Anthony Walke. Witnesses Anthony Blamire, Francis Whishart, William Nimmo and Thomas Nicholas.

Anthony & Charles

20 Oct 1761

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 8, 1755-1762, page 638 - Will dated 24 February 1754 and probated 20 October 1761, Arthur Sayer - wife Elizabeth, daughters Francis, Margaret and Mary, nephew Anthony Lawson, son Charles Lawson. Executors Thomas Walke, Anthony Lawson and Jonathan Saunders.


21 Oct 1762

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 9, 1762-1766, page 121 - Deed dated 21 October 1762 - James Stevenson, saddler of Williamsburg to William Aitchison, merchant of Norfolk, 250 acres and 180 acres, which belonged to James Condon who died intestate, which descended to 5 sisters, Elizabeth late wife of James Stevenson, Frances Condon, Martha, wife of John Mercer, Jane who married Elias Wills and Sarah who married John Gemmill. James Stevenson, son of Elizabeth sells his share. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, Robert Ballard, William Keeling and James Holt.


19 Jul 1763

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 9, 1762-1766, page 225 – Will of John Thorowgood dated 25 may 1763 and proven 19 July 1763 – Sons John, Thomas Scarborough, Mitchel and Argall, wife Margaret, daughter Peggie Hunter, son William, daughter Pembroke, daughter Sally Scarborough Thorowgood. Executors: wife, Capt. William Keeling and Jonathan Saunders. Witnesses: Anthony Lawson, Patrick Murphy and Thomas Hunter Sr.


17 Jan 1764

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 9, 1762-1766, page 380 - Appraisal dated 17 January 1764, of the estate of Maj. Thomas Walke by Anthony Lawson, Nathaniel McClenahan, Thomas Reynolds Walker, Edward Cannon and Lemuel Cornick.


24 Mar 1764

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, marriage bonds - 24 March 1764, Willoughby Weblin with Frances Mattias. Teste: Anthony Lawson, Willoughby Weblin and Alexr. Poole.


12 Sept 1764

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, marriage bonds - 12 September 1764, John Denney with Ann Consauloo. Teste: Charles Lawson, John Denney and Andrew (X) Consauloo.


19 Feb 1765

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 8, page 156, Court 19 February 1765 – Anthony Lawson, Gentleman, surviving Executor of Arthur Sayer, Gentleman vs. John Griffin (Chancery). The defendant not appearing and having been duly summoned, on motion of Plaintiff by his Attorney an Attachment of Contempt is awarded him against the said Defendant returnable here to the next Court.


28 Dec 1767

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 10, 1767-1769, page 188 - Deed dated 28 December 1767 - Mary Anne Phripp, widow of Thomas Walke and John Phripp releases right of dower to 173 3/4 acres for 16 pounds, 5 shillings to John Calvert of Norfolk County given by Thomas Walke to his daughter Peggy now wife of John Calvert. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, John Hanco*ck, Lemuel Newton and Walter Lyon.


2 Nov 1769

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 11, 1769-1770, page 1 - Deed dated 2 November 1769 - Edward Park and Frances and Elizabeth Smith (daughters and co-heirs of Tully Robinson Smith) to Thurmer Hoggard, ship carpenter for 165 pounds, 98 acres formerly the property of George Smith, grandfather of Frances and Elizabeth. Witnesses Anthony Lawson, George Logan and Walter Lyon.


4 Apr 1771

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 12, 1770-1772, page 155 - Deed dated 4 April 1771 - Robert Jones as heir at law of deceased father to brother Enoch, deed of gift of land our father wanted him to have. Witnesses Edward Cannon, Thomas R. Walker and Anthony Lawson.


11 May 1775

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 10, page 96, Court 11 May 1775 – Court held for Princess Anne County, listed the following Gentlemen to take the list of Tithables of the County for this year – Anthony Lawson was listed to take the Tithables for Little Creek Precinct of the Eastern Shore.


12 Jun 1777

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA Minute Book 10, page 175, Court 12 June 1777 – At Princess Anne Court House the next Commissioners of the County were listed. Anthony Lawson was one of these.


14 Nov 1782

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Deeds and Wills, Book 18, 1782-1783, page 113 - Deed dated 14 November 1782 - Matthew Pallet to Joseph White for 50 pounds, 400 acres, part of a tract deeded to Anne Keeling by Anthony Lawson and descended to her son Matthew Pallett.



Princess Anne

The following 1783 Princess Anne County, Virginia lists as Heads of Families: -
Anthony Lawson, 9 white souls, 47 blacks.


10 Jun 1784

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA – Wills 1783-1871 – Complied by Anne E. Maling, published by Heritage Books, Inc. Will of William Wishart, dated 10 January 1783 and proven 10 June 1784. To wife Mary all lands and tenements she held before I married her, use of plantation I live on and rest of personal estate. After her decease my plantation to brother Thomas, silver hilted sword, surveying instruments and silver buttons. To daughter-in-law Frances Haynes 40 acres of marsh in Currituck. To godchild Mary Teresia Thelaball, daughter of sister Anne Thelaball. To Anthony Lawson my fowling piece. Ex: wife, James Nimmo and Thomas Wishart, Jr. Wit: William Nimmo, William Nimmo son of Gershom. Page 15.

Anthony, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas, Anthony & Frances Sayer

10 Mar 1785

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Will Book 1, 1783-1794, page 45 – Will of Anthony Lawson dated 4 February 1785 and proven 10 March 1785. To son Richard Henry Lee Lawson 250 acres – part of land I live on and 400 acres sand banks and marsh – part of the Wash Tract. To son Thomas rest of land and sand banks and marsh. To son Anthony 200 acres at the Logg House. To daughter Frances Sayer Lawson. To wife and 7 children rest of personal estate. Executors: Charles Sayer and Thomas Wishart Sr. Witnesses: William White, Lucretia Gordan and William Russell.



Princess Anne

The following list is from the 1785 Princess Anne County, Virginia - Heads of Families: - Anthony Lawson, 9 white souls, 3 dwellings, and 13 other dwellings.


22 May 1786

Princess Anne

Thomas Lawson married Sally Robinson 22 May 1786 in Princess Anne County, VA. Sally was sister of William Robinson, who consented for his ward. Sur. James Robinson


9 Mar 1788

Princess Anne

Frances Sayer Lawson married Dr. Peter Evans 9 March 1788 in Princess Anne County, VA.


1 May 1789

Princess Anne

Thomas Lawson married Caty Kilgore 1 May 1789 in Princess Anne County, VA. Sur. David Kilgore.



Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, 1790, Jonathan Park's District, Personal Tax List - Thomas Lawson responsible for the tax, Thomas Lawson and David Dunbar, 2 white males tithables above 21 years, 23 blacks above 16 years, 4 blacks under 16 years, 7 horses and 4 carriages wheels.


1 Dec 1792

Princess Anne

Katharine Lawson married William Nimmo Dyson 1 December 1792 in Princess Anne County, VA.


20 Mar 1793

Princess Anne

Mary Lawson married George Chandler 10 March 1793 in Princess Anne County, VA. Sur. Samuel Moseley. Married by Rev. Anthony Walke.


5 Oct 1795

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA – Will Book 1 - 1783-1871 – Complied by Anne E. Maling, published by Heritage Books, Inc. Will of Margaret Kilgore, dated 14 January 1795 and proven 5 October 1795. To daughter Mary all my land being half the tract my father died possessed of divided between me and my sister Frances. To mother. To granddaughter Elizabeth Lawson. Ex: Jonathan Park and Joshua Martin. Wit: James Nimmo, Charles Godfrey and Joseph Hewitt. Page 22.

Frances & Thomas

7 Dec 1795

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Will Book 1, 1783-1794, page 33 - Will of Peter Evans dated 21 November 1795 and proven 7 December 1795. To wife Frances. To son George. Rest of estate to be sold and divided between wife and sons George and Thomas. To brother Joseph. Executors: Col. Dennis Dawley and Thomas Lawson. Witnesses: William Bishop, James Leahy and Adam Thorowgood.



Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, 1799 W. Bishop's District, Personal Tax List - Thomas Lawson responsible for the tax, Thomas Lawson white male tithable above 21 years, 16 blacks above 16 years, 5 blacks under 16 years, 12 horses and 4 carriages wheels.


20 Dec 1800

Princess Anne

Will of Haynes Brent of the County of Princess Anne, VA, dated 20 December 1800. John Read, Anthony Lawson and Charles Hargrow were witnesses to his Will.

Thomas & Anthony

6 Apr 1801

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA – Will Book 2 – 1795-1807 – Complied by Anne E. Maling, published by Heritage Books, Inc. Page 155 – Will of Haynes Brent dated 20 December 1800 and proven 6 April 1801. To daughter Elizabeth Thelaball and her heirs house and lot in Norfolk. To son-in-law Richmond Thelaball. To sister Nancy Brent 80 pounds. To granddaughter Elizabeth Doghead Thelaball and her heirs rest of my estate, to be kept in hands of my executor until she becomes 21 or marries. Ex: Thomas Lawson. Wit: John Reade, Anthony Lawson and Charles Hargrow.


24 Jun 1802

Princess Anne

Robert Cartwright married Elizabeth Lawson 24 June 1802 in Princess Anne County, VA. Married by Rev. Anthony Walke. Minister’s Return.


7 Jan 1805

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA – Will Book 2 – 1795-1807 – Complied by Anne E. Maling, published by Heritage Books, Inc. Page 255 – Will of James Hunter Moore dated 14 February 1794 and proven 7 January 1805. To mother Mary Moore use of land and property during her life. After mother’s death to brother Francis. Ex: Brother Francis and Thomas Lawson. Wit: Henry Holmes, Thomas Griffen and John Mitchel.


4 May 1807

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA – Will Book 2 – 1795-1807 – Complied by Anne E. Maling, published by Heritage Books, Inc. Page 312 – Will of Frances Ewell dated 15 December 1800 and proven 4 May 1807. To grandson John Shepherd land in Norfolk County on head of Tanners Creek and property inherited by death of my daughter Mary Collins. To granddaughter Elizabeth Shepherd. To daughter Frances Collins. To son John Collins. Rest of estate to be sold and divided between my 3 children Anne Shepherd, John Collins and Frances Collins. Ex: son-in-law Jacob Shepherd. Wit: Thomas Lawson, Robert R. Keeling and William Haynes.

Richard H.

5 Oct 1807

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA – Will Book 2 – 1795-1807 – Complied by Anne E. Maling, published by Heritage Books, Inc. Page 315 – Will of Robert Jones dated 23 January 1807 and proven 5 October 1807. To wife Mary. To daughters Elizabeth Orman Jones and Anna Orman Jones. All my estate at wife’s death or marriage to be divided between daughter. Ex: Anthony Walke, Sr. and John Hanco*ck. Wit: Richard H. Lawson and Simon Hanco*ck.



Princess Anne

Anthony Lawson is enumerated in the 1810 Princess Anne County, Virginia Census. In his household are 1 male over 45, 1 female under 10 and 1 female 16-26 years.

Richard H. L. & Anthony


Princess Anne

Virginia Tax Records – From the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler’s Quarterly. Names of slave owners, who, during the year of 1810, owned ten or more slaves: Richard H. L. Lawson owned 18 slaves and Anthony Lawson owned 7 slaves.

Richard Henry Lee, Lucy Ann & Mary Frances E.

4 Feb 1828

Princess Anne

Princess Anne County, VA, Will Book 4, 1824-1871, page 72 - Will of Richard H. L. Lawson dated 19 March 1824 and proven 4 February 1828. To wife Lucy Ann. Rest of personal estate to daughter Mary Frances E. Wilson. Executor: James Edward Wilson. Witnesses: Edwin Walke, John S. Hanco*ck and James McApine.
Princess Anne County, Virginia (2024)


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