PloKl 4 Off IstUeet OppartunNtM 14 Bt, CeH Arfltie Tate 71' iMrM.t t.i HraTHff 74 IaThbooaa tof co'vamtiM. 4SM ftento t. New Pwoo4 O'N'NcJ ream, en and Supplta maiett, IarS," niniiiomi, noieit, i-qwor tier, Lam I maHm. Colvvol COB-nX AAA I L4' i.ud Pm, 7U Hmiitii Fl Itffl i uuncen viBt. tAKt Av Ksriak; N'wwi Jan.
II. t0 VB "Fiv fiTfim. I ti Un Mo CI, ClNMAt r.fOlwJ.!- L0- MA bl 4Hr. CM 4 'J. i Ft I0st 7 H.niar taeniae.
So. kl.u 11.. UtUOl hulCh 41JS, Slant, fionk ALL American pupeiat. i weeks. a e.
i it, room, ti'MMno parka 4lM ri.y (Kr 1 ttt.oit Peony, i or. LY 4 71 $4 otmub. Botin. woter m0Ml Aiaikan. tr imnr HiDEABED.
Sitnment. arintei tCONO Hon (m'i. AM 0t J4M Jl.4 Iv44 BOHIW ASSt TT molt. AKC, 1 year. Mli: eu tomtit.
heoiert. eiwck auc hornets Wtnieer t. 114 South Ave nf Am(Xiti, f. LVtLL. Warrxr.
141. i.ttit Iwm Arfmfl, Pinillll II 1 IMS i(Hf) room, tmoiavM I.C AAnnuiu AAmtert LIVING room roocK Imtk Mont it, nw no oo a 7k immk in nru.i msiwo Awionc HI Momo lovt'i SNWM. J'lf 4 miiii rnHil At I fwlH Ail Nd. Modprit, aae4 lion, 4 1)4 r.rwirt ftfsratBr. MAIN inMr: Lo' foowi, iiami.
i.l I'WWM hrnMO Mand utt. too4 i BEAUTY Sown: For to Iranne ouiiil (ttnrtt hucei mm. fstnbi.thad 4 tear, ro 6tS7l. tar epooinimanl. gAOTV" 4hoe; Oo4 butiiM.
II', CMtoi Av. HQ of OL tnx i EAUTt Salon: Ideal feiieroinrt, well attobilthad, reatonnte rent. Fo.rporl Peony, OU l-4i0. ln room). AvOHofcW wm nr wi'rf komiRi purmiur, 144 Wow I UU mofll Hy 10 1W I iviN( roam kt iprlisnal.
rrtoir. BEAGLf tl Veoodt.n, "'Sr IW'r J-'l Morir, Jeryic. IWI ttock.te oinltly4 VN Ave. Fl 3 3440 I $POR TSMI-iN. make J.
M. Fi.d BLACK Lotxodurt. 4 eld Ouvjlill ana. ur ene-tlae rmpoina center tor Hwmtii. 144 Stone d.
all auroe equipment for Ml. Call rkiin needi i reentered 14 Pint rear. SALt Uohoi.tery Fob-(c. T-(l JtO LveT i ifnm Aa. limn i rt.
Feom Bf Villi im our looMt pwawmn, wm m. w-- lllki.ilfTlil Uul ft TV, C0fp'. to- lUn,i!o. Ml iv ipu i i rivini .1 1 rtmartn. Marwaor Mm St bin 1146.
10 i Tc ttt Pomioo Av 4 yVfcSTINOMOUSe r1.fW..A UVING ued mvaxnl Lln, now, ij iw JEC0NO Man) Sony Storoa tno -'rjum CiO'CiH 1 1 loro rum. 0'iyfll cr, 4 trori raw a no I Wf IV. m.Z on Nwrty doromiod. utMil. OiTON Tfrt.r AH.
iiii4 oi-rlX: buy. reooir Dniwi. CANOY. Nuf Shop: Immediat to tI Manor Pa 1.. i hi MM liu.T.
ml Man it Mntioman, GREECE, Nortnaolo Itftorm rawnniM, Uwnm. cmi," MVinf raonv iw, vBtv twnw J403 ISIOBIIOT i II'nH vvavi' arid pawn. 11 IOB tently fiirnitrted 1 end) bedroom. livms room, rtpnotttad, Mi ont oi. Writ V4 SO, Thl New, Hood tociipnai, iioo nan -CAIRN nt MOTfOlNT woriM ri ff0NO Hand Jtwwood ,7 OL' C4t.
COM tl X. Choi'' trmf on funar, J. MuHC ns Barkm. 110, In Ul UN HM', ldamf Snoon. )M Mom St I rtrnto, awlmafl R'rr ITHACA Dlu 9 dr Hay iM tE iwt) Clinton.
niNf Imail, de E. Roawn i 'purnxn, cnm proven vn Fri.i Solurtfovi 'III iu ivlt. Honvayt em 'ANTIQUE Mahooonv plan rvr4. MCA, oBiy Bricedj.CO 4 ovomtKif 4 M'i. Air-conditionm.
torpelina. m. mint Booit, csmiete ailchaot. utiiitiat luilobi S-4 Beopie Rem tram SI4S monthly. Immed ale oc-Cuponcy Children weicom.
Intpecl on IV inciod Sunday. Tuetday JANUARV cleoront oll Muntino MAT TRE3M ril0 MOIV. hoati. Wina iHhi Shoiun Laminating Shea und rn, i ic kuiukj iKr r.o 4 atk. 1W) Ook tftlao rtwtt man.
Yeor-ood boraoini. ivm. (arontaad. IIS 11 vv.lh coakina, ammunition. elothinB.
arcnory ail at o'ny Aru. Compiliy ooynwd I LW, uu. maiM. t-R Annou tfomn, $, BU 1 2JI liretf jw ion pony "ION1 Tf ua N. Clinton.
444i0. A I ud lo.yi,on, uoro'iB atraiar, BR l-4H iumrntrviii iuo'H mount, rii 4 000 1 "or rant win uuiion to SFTTinNA AooiJ. It. I cu. cl.l Rochomr Fl 1 iR: oartmu Doat'obi.
I'oM end Tnu'taay tin nuj ioio ciinran Bro, du tvi nona vn taraRet. wis, lon-r houMkaooin lu6. SU MS tondilion, S3B4tmpal SI. 'OACMiHOND. menlht.
tov 1 4iro trntti nAiK.ltl ltrftttAn' Uish a Cabinrl lob' IB! CITlIEN Band land GREECE Sludie. both: Includ- 1 110 ulilil.ei, BarkirtB. TV. UN prt-SJIH SbvIb MbcMi e'av. am wad tot Rol dnerina.
LV.r Ml, RodCL tiWO I'll lrB roluri. roftH meaTM fTrv atciTlottooo. ISO otKKIM lowairy, 115. IB kM rocordtr CL 4J-0 cbonnai rod til 0.v It- armo OR SXJ4 CLtaaVi 9dGL SJ I vote tmi-bam), S.Uftt roomt, for tount. Stno Hunt.
4 wm tuMrj BBi (Ml, Immgnuod. Amhorit odoptooi IB any puiinnt, CO 4 ENGLISH Pointer ouuptk, I KM, laot, fuliv oauti uo'o ucrrui iawma MocKmo. I nen, trmn OC5CO 4 4IW SOFA. Crtin win rnair. 3.
PI J-M4I SOFASrj. SSHSr.inlll Ml nH)noFii'ni -atM. i Gooamon, Seeon roomt. bRV tiifaninB, lol location, Modr-rnl Hi oocn. CM 4-JVn hem Will larnfic for ti mr am uo.ui rn Wirm ApPari 1 SM' On t.neiet.
doublet, uiel, r'rnc. THRFE bull in d'ttt rock, moniliin, MA 1-110 HAWKME SI. Prrul- irt la thore beout'tui furmtned modern eoo't- met wilt one or iwo ol Mm. LI 4 iH venmoj meet ends HAELWO0O trf i Sludia. aooj wrroundm.
nor iloiet nd Put line, SOS monthly. mU 3014. CM4 4JIJ, Voiuad ol 7JV bere t. RENT a $nar Sewna Moth ne jj Av. Ill -WIS.
UN 47. GOLD cftoiri, SiO. Moho.r "rah' mimoturM, fooniBrH. ikft HU 4A1 1 1 Mfhvarv and loekt and Priadic)it MAN blu avtrceol, Hi 444i roincoo), IM' Botoion noai, I0o SIS, toil bat, IV 4 tnirtt. SOc SI, 3 tuitl, 40 4 S3S BOCA.
OR cnoir, occaiionai tiwi. tig aoriobi SJS Phiico tIS CL OJOS BARK; Lere. eierm room on. 11 Gnlimon O'e'erred OR J04S4 Cn and teo Ionia. SJS.
Tool ad bic ua f-hm- rSSO 'Vorvie itntlon tor foot 44n Of fNCVCLOPEOIA Britanniro, G'of Oan Ent Av mass. ler, 4t liooi Inme, Si I. fray ru end Boom of tno VVeitei-n World witn Oog, SBttnow. AKC. tontaiM.
Sal HE ATHKlT MrV fB lionKeiv Rd. Good volum pnttn. N'OBC YnuMttov fill A bod. SJS S4cr, S3. fr0 ToMdny localioil.
(XI 'd TUedayThur!" iWnii.t, a.HW. V'SUTH Jf J.7O1S, CL urs rr nw MO funoay amy. TR 2 4S4? wwkdov ofr-r o.a Kiu.t Can to -cat) dovt, H'SIMrii 'W. fii-ii-i Neuhl check any nioihin for 12. BLACK aaitkin fur coat, double windows, BU 1 33S7.
Lowar Kitchen HUDSON Ave foomt. all ulilf the i.iilcu.coul one year old. Ha rol liso 1400 JWA I ENCYCLOPEDIA Amoricona: 15 condition Too'lnor with i beauti'ulty ll'utlra'ed family Bibi. SiOO MU i i MCINTOSH MC omolilier. fH uMd.SJ00.
too thope CM4 H.irlWH Sew.n. CM 01W b.olo. lenoih til I. ooq rAHC: Fe.mca. d'OB lf, condition, SeS.
HO 1 Oall i tool, E0 4.4434. Parkin. But SSS Ba 2 454 avonmsi. cY-AoortmanH: Prim IrKo-tion. Arto dwoloomant will grantly lnceo! orasni rciint oofnina.
GERMAN Shaoiiord Puo 4 montht, AKCOinored. CL 1SA1. RMAN 'ineoneid puooiM." AKC tew ma mocnine pr'y'wae WHITE HO loj KODAK teclion: roomt. But tin Na aflacnmentt uit. NATURAL wild mink cool: Sl II- t-dt t.
ralrla. Cany I vu 11 imIi mosi ew wun wp--'n 14, Brtct condition, S400 coth, .11 tnr iiani needed for rgterad Rabori Wit'. Mac nn. YU 4-5. NEW 164 lion ol Encyckotdo for octant amy, main.
Btarot ov-firtrlt. RlKlltorj. let BO far balance et Will fl nerve Roi(l R0010 Cemmuni; our Oriainoliy S3.000.GIJ I' Ut n.ra Furnitur. 144 N. Water I teed Will Brilnnmco.
Intormoiion on a Monro Av. BB GERMAN Snoolwrd, 4 monlh. edl book a month elan. S44-30U ynsrCBV kutlMti- SHEARED roccoon, til 14-11, 4 LAUER'l-Boiemenl-forceoilonol's34 00 er 0 pr month. Call UN S- iw blur, a evwwi conon I OOil.
pooort. Hava en nwv MM Ml In a Mllth rnl xlnla PRINCE: Worm, rwiwrn hoi tod mJL. 4 water. torroundmot. J2S 42SS KODAK Park, waikin iiTLMFOKO Hiteirilreorooiivorori Shorp. Suilona buiidina. Chetinul nd Eim Sireelt eduti. Aite ana an AyrtH Av.
LI Plea Mint room and 10. w.m ar 4 J0S4. Oiler 4 jnoul maid leryice 'rrAH Loke Ausutlm. roomt. RUTGERS.
20J Clean, warm, oil ulililni. GL 1 2S4S, length, ncHnl condilion, 1100., volut room, bedroom; 4i40 anytime lulldiaq MofBflols 77 OR 4 1714, SONY, chonnel, 4 frock, tlerecord or, microphone1 SISO. HO jMS. and d-o ng room furnitur. On ol a uSEDS nor porlobi with i-if, lamb kind ditconnnued p.ecet at tlt jjj Coll CU ALUMINUM corruooled theet, Sill LIVAN S20 coolt.
iocktt. coreluliy totected for pneet Tertm. free delivery. Louer I -ZZT, ini'TELEViSiONS, ell iet, uted, wo ior. two ooorlmr-nH, two eat tnoti.
Raoionobl lor Rood hem. Dumni, ldoi for couoi Cniiowoy, i 1406 oiler 4 or FA I i GREAT ol lown. Alti HOT Fnh ond Oilckon S'or: Etob-l rtonlored Rfovonotw OS lhd over yaarv liinon lorc NORWEGIAN-bupoi, "rtfl ite'fd 01? CL4 SM! mlh Shtpor) RJ, tL I 4.141 tlvie ond auolifv; Mi priced. SO Basem*nt sosiaie st ISfotBS, TBari. nfniii u0, Rooenhout.
417 Titut. Employed Bmimon preferred, trw lkj 4J7J: roomt, ulilil. mond einbo4ed, Siet 4I0 ond 12'. Save 20. Rochetter Iron a Melal, WSt.
Poul SI. CINDERS, clean, block, 4 vordt. S2. Moulson. YOU don hove to be 0 kino to llro IBF alaxrrfc: Hove.
Full tu radio, tterea record 104 included, mommy. Ul. Sf-vifiiJF JU vtrvHMBi MU 47J, LU BIU nu Vu Jii Cor Wrnh- Nrw.d.icouM pn haf aTnTam" au'ooiTt "-w. JW. pk r-.
aiixnvfi. OH VOte. Outline, painin St. Flonioan 337 Pk I re. Driving alter 4 30 eveninai.
GAS ronpet, lu uo. -TELEVISION, hew piclur lube, Small uooer, oorkma Komiru tondilien. Owner, TU fllJ'J 0holve, S7.S0. Genliemon. BR eooa cononion.
iwner, iu phone. S7.50. "1757, mn haie YER End floor model clearance CARL Smith Furrier: RECORD prond new. wolnul 1 5j, even, not. null.
UOO. 1.1 14-11 "ln )', LAKE VIEW Park: rooms, utilities, parking, Fb. I. CL e-231. LINCOLN Si.
47. Cl.llord: Allroc rooms, privot. inwFLL 110 00. siudo.
k.lcrien. TL remori. Ftanieon J.17 Drtyln Pk. GAS ranert. newt used uo s'alled.
Guornnteed 471 Hud finish. SI4M. Fi'cn eurnnuie. STRONG County. South Ave I 32.
4. ED 4-4I22, GK J0I GIORDANO Lumber: coll ut 10 pel aied, I7O0, riooi portion lomo, c- beautyrest maltreat, oimost new, Joseph Ave 4S4-70SS. ifAPPAM oat ronoe, oood eondl nice home, tieon. pre VI oihers from SlOfS. Flan.san't, lion.
4IS4. tPouirF SI01.M Are vououaTlecl POODLE oroomina, prorionai. fm our lowest postib' one on our mean mink Conor, nw. tei out SfRViu J'" you t.a ail tvia. na druot.
Vera I iv.rf,nn xn ri.iKird m.krat ril. ant thaae. 00: Ov- -'TWO-WAY Roo.o: IBUn, ui sumneR. H. oil Monroe; Lorg bam, oppi.oncct, ui.i.i.rt.
to run nn overooen IT ik.i. rnnmm bimi, i. ot All moti tomoiete t.oc -w t.i.. TWO I re- na cho rt. hetween SO 0 ogo ao.UDO oonont oer pervfi Parlor, jgoj mooe e.
nu r. t-w imn T.nii 7i 000 40,000 oolloni oer Ponfi Parlor, v. rhe.l at At plot SIO. Chest ol drowert. ax "Evince' ETec-romct but.
Workirv, perton. R.ler..K..t, lomot, S2S; drum loM lomo, SIS; month far the lotl vor wth nn 7 excellent Injirt business? Coil CL moie. AdoroV l.eM crvtlol wall cnaideiier. Hi 'LompH. JI ooromer For.
SI.HOIOI KiCJini. iURWI. Harking. CLjt-aXIJ. dnvt Oil mghtt, wee- COMPLETE maieiioit: Lurrv eanch bar, olvwcod, roolino.
hn.dwo.e. Wock paction locket, VTS. Rfjncn and oonelma. Anontic Mill- m.nk outumn Ji bofj. boot, very work.
37IS W. Hrnrlettn Rd l00 m' Monro CM Empire Blvd 1520 Ridoe Bd 11? IFNiTM 3" TV. puthbulton temott UNf Vc RSI I ve aiirocnive MANHATTAN. 37. Three room an pediore.
20 months. Reasanooi. eds. osr Mr. Buhl tiudio roomt, from S.
Parking. Newly decorated. control, detune table model. Excel HU 2-S1S4 ELFCTRIC ronpe 30 RCA Whlrloool, Doub'e SM); Hotpoinl 13 rfrl9fa como.el. S40.
Smol bed S3. Up- riJL''; -VV M0i hoi-tered choir: S3. A 1005 OIL convection unit fonk, furrvsc SERVICE Station: Lens a Atlantic tervire ttolion, Five Mile POODLE oupciiet, m.n.oiuret. Invt, 10 Wahted i a Buy Farm EauipmtRt CT. 1 Good condition, ol e- eC: hii.a avian Line Rd.
ond R'doe Rd Wehster.i reg sterM. Borgain. stud servic ah eosoline "Olume, paid trolnlna 4M Clean attici. occumulatiant. FARMALL Super mow plow.
7,1.. ACCORDIONS. Junk, I cellar; lurnilur S. Good Ioci Keivlnohtc enactric rang. twivet cno'r, vaiart, chamt.
TR 2-vosi. nnd finoncing available. No minimum POODLES. AKC mmllur 0U0OM, antiauet. 4SS47.
Warmer, lorg drawer of bn'tom. ar gtttr pm. Coil berer a rt Minimum investmenf. Col Mr OF section: Sleeping room Srtar ie ics Pearl: room lowr, bath, kitchn ond both. f-A 4-4394.
FA AdultS prtrrd. S44-SJ J. 7,4 Lower, pieosont WARNER. 71, Oelco vicinity: S'eep. roomt.
ulllitis; ovoiiabl. ED4-2W5. ing room; pnvot ntronc, CL I room siuo'0, both, Apartment 1. WERNER Pk 14: Kitchnelte, prl-1 0r weekends.
Suitable I. vote ntronc. CH 49MI lMONROEyiNornTaivor'Mote7. WESTMINISTER Rood. 175, clean Kcnenette ooarlment.
Soecol room, private both, 412 00. GR J-irotet. week-month. BR l-437. Immunnea ana wormea; Time pay- GENERATORS, new ana utea new Good condition.
130. UN S7421. ALUMINUM, lunk batteriet. furnocet, MA 1-1S97. Horvev.
CL aovt, ll a-iiii Century oorlob.e heater. New ond lent condilenJI'0U7J04 USED portooi TV; new color tell IminediatdeMverylJO Keer. STlDEBANO kilowotl, Drake J. RV-3, AC-3, Loudenboomer linear, 40' tower, rotor, beam. Pr.c high, tirm ond worth It.
Fl 2 3170. COMMUNiCAfTONS rcyr, Horn- mortund, HQ I S0X-, matching speaker Covers 540 KC to 31 MC Wot S450, tell S275. CH 0W4. TVt: New, rebuilt. Year" puorontee.
Goodman Pioio, orm choir. Stl metalt, rogs, pickup. UPHOLSTERED 101 eventngt. VacHttm Clanari lenther too drum J32-3673. loroe tola, 113 Dnnn r- raaltarert ma.
n. rx ttc vaews I mm MetnJ BfUlif41 Highland GR FRFEesllmotet, TIUir. ITUtlllli Ah-r. lurr also ToviT" New IapARTMENT ronget, refrigerator, table: S1S. I Ernolr, 10SS Clinton N.
Fl J-30D4. large mochlrej pirlt York' loroesf We breed roV 4-r assembly. Inventory vrjiue bol heoilhy, ouol.ty. oood u-J7)n vfV- THREE-o'eca 7UV. beige HOSES: New fcs.11Br',,B" vour end i fittingt.
CllnlonK. tectlonnl tola, 1I2S. Frultwoed MONROE: Decorated rooms, bath. nmr. ehon oskmo once.
Owner onii- temaeramenf nimoies Compare these iur wmrlrnwer used seasons. John APPLIANCES: Stoves, and gold. WINTON vicinity, private home. Gen-, $65 without VjK J-rrn Ecllenf FA 13272 inns fo sell.
LU 4 SS60. hetore von huv. v.tllort welcome, rseere windrawer used I seoson.l woshert, dryer, teievlnont, plgma table, S20 lemon pieterrea. paiKina. nu l- couch.
S3S0 00. BU 47371 9163. SUNOCO Franchisa ovoildbl. 740 always eoen Green Form, Roul AHis Chalmert, Massev Ferguson, i Ing fixlures. BU 1 3440.
(ITALIAN Provincial CoHee toble, S40 00; 1 end tobies HOOVER upright. Sly; 1-vr. guarantee Free home trial. Termt. EmpireOSS jninlonN.FJJ30M.
KIRBY: Repossessed I new auarontee; balance du. Coll BU Henrlelto ooootite Ploro, 5. Bolovia, Phone 343-S02S Oliver Ford, New Holland. Fopec DIAMONDS, wotchet, gold, tllver. Ferrnra 1 lamas.
SI0O.00.' rua, SoO 00, JERRY Fink tlereo component; r00m tor person who oopreclalet toeciallttt. Termt. Ooen Tuetdov, home oimosohere. CO 4-4701. Thurt.
evenlngt. 444 Clinton Ave. S. Dru'retnTr" Station ooerolion, pold training, good POODLE oroy mole, pedigree, no ana -oove. Lo.gni us, to.nt.
Too price. East Don Howard. Canandaigua, Y. i Jewelers, aoorolseri, 12 W. Main SI.
kitchen set, SsOOO; stove. 1140 00; return on nominal investment, coil, papers, year old, SS. 1-3IS-S74 tn 71: Altroctiv ttudo ond 1 bedroom ooartmntv Parking. PARK 404: Atfroctlv studi and l-bedroom apartments. Forking.
pARK-Meigt tee7 I or 2 oirlt wonted to snore apartment witn tome. Coil Mr. D. Giulio, 546-S4S. PARK East: New ltudio.
kitchen. TV, 1100 00 tterM, SIOO 00. II Wild S440 J.n ISA FA I 5410 ar evenings, R. Keenehoa POODLES er St. Anytime.
tovs and miniatures. IML-PaDc: pio ponooi Brtnaer HOUSEHOLD itemj, chino. oncellent blood- mixers. Immediate delivery. Sa- ontiauet.
occumulollon. Mri, Mil- TOR RENT trBr, Oryari 104 I Yorkshire Icrrien lernert ashen, Aiaainq reincnina in SMITH-CORONAS, electrics, new, I lines. CL brEiuiuATOR washer ond dryer. Apartments, Furnished 130 WA 4 .157. "icuuci bv d.n.nnnric wnlrhes.
aolrl 18 50. Addl. tuottracil. niunip.ies. Make remaining payments of S3 Dewey.
SCOTT IF Darling month ma'e jpreaDFRS. John Deer, New Annroisol's. Hiohesl oncl ooid ABERDALE Aportmentt. Downtown. suitable one.
Everything booutiiuiiv 3 bed.oum t.ol. Stemc v.w. Both- furnished. Pr.yot entronc. B6 Fl house broken, 232-2331 UN SWO- SOFT drink boftlmo plant lor toie.
bottling lines. 4 trucks Established routes. 1 franchises. Real es-tme included. Abooinlment, coll HO 71341.
CAPITAL nneded lor evoonsion Small stoblished manuacturr. Wr t- S18SL. This Newspaper. S5. CM laeo, flail type ond tingle heaters.
j0e Jewelry, 1S4 W. Main, oer week. B. p. troooncn erf vy i XII BUSINESS.
anigan 1353 boecoi trade oricet tor me monin shower. Complete kitchen. All re- S-04IJ. fogs, tcrop metal; Jerry Howord. CO NEWSPAPER, tot pickups.
otternoons, eve- ot January. Hnioin Sont, Hen. rtnr irnininn classes. RCA Whlrloool electric dryer, 14. muirni.n oecoroted.
Parkin Fenced yard. pARKTModern studio. Kitchen, both, u.ia..."oiea Eauioment IIS Complete SI7S monthly. Also monihiyBR 1-4534 ning. Add tn-nn eoaraing ana i rain.
rjeiiaciJ niou. Ing Kennelt 474-1155, Honeoy Fajll. SPREADERS, IMC? John Deere. moaernrea ituaio. New x.icnen, 1 ulilil, All 5 weekdays.
Anytime PTO snreodert. ADDERS, oddrestoaraphs, groono- torn New HO.iana, balh-thower. $23 weekly. Bo i oo FAKe: ffirsi, m. J- -round floor.
$85. GR 3 527. ARE vou inie'ested In leasing one TWO good rid ng moret. Both W. Henrietta.
pan Monroe rt tne n'nnesr volume ana mun owov a. college aecna types, fypewrilert, oetkt, chairs, filers. Val'SiL93 Lakr tnt nn In the ritv i i Tnn ie rnirTADi, VIU 4-4J4Q; OLD Attic Accumulations: Fromet, curios, china, etc Lennon, CL 4-8341. PIANO Wanted: Will pay full volu. oldmomOLjIrMjTV WANTED: Good "used furnllur.
00-plionces, household Itemt. Cosh. USED woshers good. Easy tplnnert, wringers, dryers, automatic ttove, refrigerators. K8.M Washer Service, 21 Lvell 546-2240; 12 HOUR SALE TUESDAY ONLY A.M.-f P.M.
Floor tomples, frodes, elnsBOUfs, roll rood damaged Items. All Item Mid as is. Trades. ot Rochster? Coll CL 4J282 dovs.l. double.
Both block. I 80frl206-654 In Hock Used Mc- DU 1-5814 nighti weekends, ask monwr'd New homt mutt comeCormirk lost hitch troctort. 3 Form- V. I wen rvrnmmended 714-728-2493. loll 460; Farmall 400; utllltv In- ALAMEDA, 47: Mul college grodu- pARK.Mr",gs "Section, 24 Tracy ol to shore with thie ot torn fdownttoirs.
Nicely furnished, Bull- CL 4-2964. obl3.4 orSgirjs.Vi ihou. ALEXANDER orM: 3 rooms. $22 50 PARLIAMENT Arms Apartments. 2120 2 rooms, $14 weekly.
Call until Poul St. Beaulilul 2 bedroom 2jCH4-4l27. Apartment. All eiectrie kitchen. Air.
ALEXANDER, 463: Stud.o, ul.lllie. conditioning. Wall-to-wall carptino. ELECTRO-STATIC, dry copy mo-c Jent 2X. 1-4633.
USED office furniture: Desks, chairs, tables, oil olher types. Rochester Wanted: Horn held Goods 105 CASH lor used furnitur. beds, mot- mi- eTiTMorh Franchise ovailobt ot boji -rrr. femolienal 300. Also.
Cub, Formal 4S4 Hudson Ave. Modern 2 bay station Stationery, Uted Furnitur uivition. Hon, Cattle, Other Stock 71 h. md, Sood, Deere MT with cut nTu-tio livator and bean puller. Aills Choi LIVESTCCK commitsion ouciio inr lnC" WE buy used stoves, refrigerators, I CI Mear AAnin.
Flderu Bratarred. LU ll ncw.v rurnunvsi. vuu k. clean attics, jji-evjo. USED furnitur, oppl lancet.
1 piec ev.rV'M-on.. 137 Morket VZr Va Open daily 2 6 p.m. Store. Rest. Fn.
Supplies lit ATTir rhino. Furnl- 40164. or quantity. Keosonooio, oei, lure. Glast; ony auantlty.
Hn PITTSFC)RD: Bachelor hor fabulous suburban horn with wn XI MUSICAL tuitoble for state Insoection. For in-formotion, coll Sun Oil FA 1 5430 OWN your own business tor lest than 50 of actual cost. Stort a eoin-ooerdted laundry and dry cleaning plant In vour neighborhood We have 4 RCA Whirlpool Dry Cleaning ma- -i. la A 1 i Ft fi I rf nrAmf A Icn 1 rletto Trodina Potl, ED 4-5071 For low commission, nigher 'XiM Shaw-Lewi Horwoya EMPIRE Calednla Stockyards liv! Falls. 424 1615.
ALEXANDER: Newly decorated studio, kiichen, prival balh. CH 49467, evening; MERCHANDISE ED 4-3535. HOUSEHOLD PLYMOUTH Studio, kitchen, bath. Utilities. Busline.
Parking. 115. BS Musical Instruments 104 stock. OUCT on every iubwuti BAR, bakery, restaurant, market eauipment. New used, bought told.
General Supply. 27) W. Main, 454-4787, FOOD service eauipment, $750,000 stock and supplies. Must go building told. Prices slashed 20-50.
American Specialty 243 Central Av. GOODS ALEXANDER, neor South: 7 rooms woman preferred. References. 454-5856. TRACTORS, used AC, CA; DU, ril nnil AA.U llserl PTri mnnner Hog poo 1 nursaoy.
5-9437. loundry washers. Now is th tim loo m. loby MerchoBdisB tS ALTO mx, $75; occordlon, $150. Both very good condition, oimost new.
cosh In on this opportunity. For pni Empire Livestock Market. Caledonia. spreaders, portable ol! fir heaters. Parking.
Suptrin ALEXANDER, 253: 2-reom PLYMOUTH Ava .220: rrnt; ulilitles. Tha Normandi. evator. Redecorated. appointment, call Mr.
Lee at 967-4150 1 KE 8 4900, No Interest or payments on newi PLAYPEN, bassinette, carriage, walk- OS 1-3625. Kina- In Le Rov er. lumper, car-bed, pothlnet. iter- 54a-860 i tendent premises. next spring.
Falls, SAVINGS uo to S500 on 10 ne Miley equipment until Trailers in stock. We have lost our ston s. Honeove USED car lot with plenty of ndvertis CLARINETS (2), French profestlon-ol models, wood, good condition. Will demonstrate. SSS acn.
GL lllier, S35; DU 1-2101. REFRIGERATED Display Cases: Reconditioned. Reduced fo move. American Speelolty. 283 Central Aye.
ALGONQUIN Terrace, 4: 3 rooms, Heat-1 sians ond modern liohtlna. I PLYMOUTH Adams: Ground floor, I attractive 3 rooms, privot barn. r- a I winter storage and must sen tnes Fruit Prait Jaices (2 coup, preterrea. ID t-itw. JUMPER, chair, car-bed, walker, infant corner, S1.50 each.
Fl 2 0324. good ed anragf and office, doing units. First come, first servea, i gooa neui. uw ljiiIuua.1 tr.lM rntWmr. tvlnxA ramoresOr A cu Atjn IC-i- mer PIT llniuAr.
b-smess. irl-o" eitv location, Terms Trades. Babco*ck Clinton n4 "'I times 4-6073, evenings. DRUMS, complete set, $300 2-7212. Call 4 m.
4 p.m oil day Saturday, Sunday. or! and blower CO 4-101. i sitvl suitable' 2-3. Modern, clean, fori I SMOU.H APPLES: (Cledn elder). Bring containers.
Kelly's Farms, Manitou FX 2-2030 -rkint la: Quiet, lady preferred. St. Batavio Open evenings Carpers, Rvg, linoleum, Tiie linens, ditnes. bk siuaenis1 Coll 325-4710. 4 Typewriters.
Billing Moch. 120 ,1 9925. we. come. rBiiAAC- r-AmnlAte set Knt drums 20 69 63 39 10 19 99 29 28 27 99 4 19 74 15 39 37 37 77 83 Fuel Breakfast Set i HIde-A-Bed Bunk Beds, complete Bunk Beds Mattresses Extra Long Bedding Maple Bedroom Walnut Bedroom Odd Nile Stands 9x12 Ruqr.
(Nylon) 9x12 Co'onial Rugs Maple Living Room Odd Lamps Odd Dests Maple Dinette Chest of Drawers Sofa Bed Platform Rocker Recliner Chairs T.V. Portables 9S: Two rooms, orlvat STANDAROBRE'o. In training. 2 and 3 year old pocers; 2 year old trot ter by John A. Hanover.
Must seen to be appreciated. 5 833 with 'cases. 9 moiihs oid. $350. CORONA Special, $18, fully Suaran.
AVtRILL New REYNOLDS APPLEWOOD. hardwood. Seasoned ARMSTRONG Flooring: We do not use remnants. Free estimates, i 437 W. Main, FA 1-1440.
both. Inauir after 6 Dm. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. CL 4-2935. 1.
utilities, suiiao. oautis. aiso one vart. Brown I Lawn Maim typewriters, si. Leons typewriter, Koank u.rk section, bleeping rooms GUITAR and ompllflw.
Good condi HORSE trainma cart, excellent condl- nonce, LU 6 0318 lo.J-.CNntmTJ, ijuuai lerms. Norm Clinton, Averill and Kodok i ARMSTRONG, Vinyl, Corlnn, Mon- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and mixed tion, with or without new wheelt APPLEWO0D hard, tma. Tessera, Terazio remnants Freeman, EX 2-2342. 1 Ideal for shelving, stent, foyrt; alto ROYAL ou'tabies: Exc lent condi- park section.LI4-30j4, oner6. tion.
Half cost. UN 4-7977. 2105 BARRNCT0N Apartments; 2 rooms, walk-in closels. Llnent, ond tires. 253 Clay CL4-34o4.
I a orirl Int At tile cheap; us vour Mid it ri. bm NEWLY opened lock shop, featuring land Shoooer Credit Plan. Warner RENT a Typewriter, lute model stand- dishes, silverware Included. Inauir on(j vamrnii, supplier. K.r.
nest English riamg arnre Ehmonn Flooring UN 5-6886. ard or portable; supplies. City.Superlnlendent, l52BarTmgtonSf Western i CAMERAS, coint: We, trode. eauioment, race horse and tion. Sacrifice, S700.
Entering ry- lea 3-1053. evenings. GUITAR, eiectrie, with omollfler. Jery good cojidltion.5MA10i GUITAR, $14; amplifier 3-imput, $35; (electric oultar) $25; new complete drum set, gold pearl, $139; (up to 50 off on oil our Glbton. Fenders, Hofners, Rlckenbackert, Vox, Stondel guitars, amplifiers and basses).
House of Guitars Clearance Sale, 495 Titus, LI 4-3500, -9. ijj Clinton R.y Goodman: 3 rooms. $30 GET our low prices on vinyl and linoleum floors. Quality work for Aaaresslve young company now tormina offers ground floor opportunity to Invest Involved oround a multl-mllllon dollar a year thV weekly. References.
HU 2-556. eauipment on order. Will tak trades. HipV 4 74M-Old Ridoe Stables, 1687 W. Ridge CckJulUJfeodajraip400.
Williamson, miles east of Webster, ENLARGER, Omega, 0-2, 4x5. Vorl- PORTABLES, new, $40 while last. UN 5-7977, 2105 Dewey. over 20 years. Rug Market, 248 Mon- BERNARD 226: 3 rooms.
Coiy, Utilities. $22. Gl 2-9552. able condenser, excellent. 1650 East Phone 315-524-9065.
RIDGE Rd. 4702: Shady Grov Apartments. Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath. Clean. Modern.
Pttric. lng.LU 4-8071. RiT (near): 5 bedrooms; clean, auiet, single hous; 2 living rooms, recreation room. Dishwasher, dryer. Gentlemen preferred.
Parking, but line. Morvoc, UN 5-5500. RUTGERS, 149: Thre rooms, heated, liaht. refrigeration. Private both.
RUTGERS, 161: 2 rooms. Utilities. CF3-6l97Laftet430 p.m. RUTGERS, 141: 4 rooms, kitchen. bathJytllitle.GR JtW-t-ytS9l-SMITH 849, near Whitney: 3 rooms, lower, oil utilities, prlvat.
good references, odults preferred. weekly. Inquire 273 Whitney St. S. GOODMAN near Highland: 2-bed- room aportment, modern kitchen, bath.
Garage All utilities. $150. roe opposite Sears. i RUG: With pod. Gray, wool, 'x20', $30; oood condition.
Fl 2-2341. NEW Remington portable, regularly $69.50, now $39.95. Leon's Typewriter, 103 Clinton Ave. S. 325-2787.
BRIGHTON: 3 rooms. Heat, utilities. Ill MEHCHANPISE Aportment 3X, 6-10 p.m. GRAPHLEX 4x5: Complete, alee-tronlc flash; like new, 4350. NO with foreslaht S10.0OO-S25.000 Near bus.
private nome. ouuaoi Seeklna Investor and intelligence, capital reaulred. 75 Avenuryoung coupl. $95. BR 1-2725.
Sole Articles for TROMBONE: Valve end slide. At GOOD used typewriters. 12 Fl 2-8327. RUG: All wool, gold gnd whit, x12. Excellent condition.
$40. ED 4-4654. Like new, $175. GR 3- com BROADWAY, 180: 4-3 rooms p.m. Ask for Jomes Camera Exchange will trade HAHN pletely furnished.
Utilities. Owner, VINYL ruas. 9x12. $3.99 with this ad tachments 4110 after Hicks. XIII ROOM AND MEALS Trade down or exchanae 308 up, ACETYLENE: $104.50 buys a tPial full size welding and cutting outfit complete; tim payments If desired.
Welding Supply 510 Stat St. "The Little Store with the Little For Information call MA V580J Driving Pk near Dewey, CL 4-5705. S6S. Call bath. New- 33eornam.
BULL'S Head: Iv decorated Prices," Kati Floor Covering, S54 Joseph Av. TRUMPET, $25; oultar, after 4 m. 232-6374. 2 rooms, 10 6-766. 337 DRIVING PK.
LE BEAU Photo Shop: 47S Lvell Au. ftnM 111? OA r.M. 325-4730. Hotels. Tourist Accommodations mil i unri rienn studio.
Hide-a- 122 Magna- piete 'stock of photo suoolles for AUTOMATIC washer, $25. rnrrivr Tone deck. S50. way bed. kitchen, bath.
Inquire II Mereo omoteur and professional. OPEN NITES Wanted Business Opportunities night or Kenwood. 54A Amplifier, $35. Coll CO 6-6468. DOWNTOWN: $12-14 weekly.
$2 per 325-9481, Thurs. ond Frl. till 9. Ebb Tldei CH 4-4282, BULLS Head section: 2 bedroom KENT: Blue Sparkle T-6 snor drum $35. Daneledro Spanish oultar $35.
Both In excellent condition. Priced right for quick sole. GR 3-3817. ST AN DELL Amp, cost $400, sell $160. Fender reverb, cost $150.
sell Twelve 6" sneakers for ground columns, $60. Fl 2-0013. 48 South Ave. bath, SOUTH, 463 3 lorge roomt, kitchen, $16.50. 325-7649.
FURNITURE, rugs, TV, refrigerator, gas range, bedroom set, linens. Everything must go. 42 Berkshire 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 evenings. SMALL, successful company selll no CHAIN Saws: Get a new Momeiit products to commercial ond Indus- with 14" bar end chain tor Sliy.ys.
trial accounts would like to buy onAlso used saws available. John Pa Child Core 124A MOVIE film rental library, -16 mm. Kodak supplies. Open dally till 9 Movie Town, 599 Hudson, 325-5199. NIKON lens, plus 13.5 CM- 3.5 Telephoto lens, case a-id flash.
Excellent cod tion. Asking comolt'. CH 4-2193. merge with company navng similar FMthers. 4135 W.
Henrietta Rd 66, bath, utilities. S7S Three rooms, monthly. See aportment. University section: 2-bedroom oportmnt. porsellt: 3-bed-room apartment.
U. of R. section: Front downstairs, l-bedroom aoart- mentFAM394, FAe-7140 BULL'S Head: 4 rooms. Private, clean Children weicom. Refer AVENUE A-St.
Paul. Ages 2-4. Experienced. CO 6-5202 -auseTiold Articler Writ 749SO, This News- E0 4.3483, years old, used 3 it. Nr.
Trumpet interest, paper. superintendent. will Mil 4100. months. Cst $200, Ul "'25.
CHAIN Saws, li.n ntat 'Homellte," large selec-saws, parts, service. CLIFFORD Excellent care, good home, experienced, HU ANTIQUE record cabinet, brass tole lamos, $7.50: Commode dresser. i nnno ctnres wanted: Hav THE RUG RACK DIVISION OP ROTHMAN'S SPECIALIST IN MILL ENDS 9x1? Tweed Rua $34.77 9x12 Nylon Blend $27.98 12x18.3' Nylon $89.95 17x13 Rug $49 95 4'4xl5' Nvlon Rua $19.95 12 ft. Nylon Remnants 8 88 9x12 Rug Pad 7.49 285 JOSEPH AVE. S46-2327 USE MIDLAND CHARGE OPEN EVES.
EXCEPT FRI AND SAT. FREE PARKING clients. All cash. Cortese Really. Fl $10; Oil lomo, $25.
HO 7-4541. I INVFNTORY sale1 Guitars, ences. 51 Kenwood. Knapp Trou, Falrport, FR 7-1957. 2-2700.
ruDcTiur o.T sn I alectrlr oi.ltnrn 79 95: VOX OUltarS, rilLVER-Tltus Exoerlencea mil i Henri: i rooms. Suitable 3-4 ROLLEIFLEX new condition, many accessories. $145. Call NO 3 0351, Pioneer Service, rent- wrL MiTtf, ru.c, m. L.
er iMaim nw mother. Monday through medical iludents-ieachars. 51 Kr- Governor nthron secretory. lows; Ampeg amps, ru; dos iwmuh Investments, stocks, oonas saws. Power Maple single bed, complete, $35.
93 $69 95; bass speakers, $139; Amps, SOUTH 429: 2 room, all util- JtlesBusline.454-7502. STRATHALLAN, 27: Two redecorated rooms, ulilitles. LU 4-4814; LU 6-6910. UNION St. Attradlve ground floor apartment, good heat.
Coll GR 3-6211. UNIVERSITY 541 Attractive studio apartment, privat kitchen, Drves, 19 Norrls Ur. BR 1-1114. CO 6-1620. wood.
DOWNTOWN: Near Mldtown. 5 days CANFIELD 17: 3 rooms, bath, Fair oaks Brighton. After 4 79.95; drum sets, compiere, iv, TAX Liens: ah Interest; securer" Write 734MO, This Newspaper. HOPSTMAN Press 9MI, tilts, swings, 2 rapld-vance roll film backs, new condition, cost $515, sell $295. CH 4-1942.
COMMERCIAL floor machines; used, a.m. or a I day Saturday. Sunday, frnnrh is rii on Fender, Vox. Pre-school. Experienced.
weekly utilities. Buses. 454-2966. as is, us. 45 scio si 56A Personal Loans 232-7477.
Ampeg, Rlckenbacker. Duke spin-ner't Music. 844 Dewey. Open 10 CARPETING, wool. 50 yards, used.
Sandlewooa, 135. Buy all or part. CO 6-4591 Hobbies 85 CASH Loans S25-S8O0 for license p. m. EIGHTEENTH Ward: Child care, davs.
Backyard, meals. References. bath. 325-680IL FENDER deluxej reverb omollfler. new, never used.
Atking $195. UN CHILI Ave. 47 Wellington Ave. l-bedroom, bath, neor bus, shopping. See Aot.
1, alter i week-days, anytime weekends. CL 4-8um. CHILI: Corner post. Luxurious 7 roomt, suitable tour odults. Fireplace, $190.
CH 4-9271. JANUARY Sale: All books and supplies reduced. 10-50. Chill Coin Cenlre, 3225 CMII, TU 9-102O DESK, large, with choir, filing cabi- netith saJeJiy0373 DROP cloths, tarpaulins, truck covers; new selections; stock sn mad to order. Also moving pads.
Have lust received new shipment, $4 each. L. Atkins Sons, 478 Oak St. OF 1 or 2 rooms, kltchenett. gentlemgn preferred.
GR 3-2245. 1 child, mother. Hot lunches, GL 8-3527. Appliances. Dithwoiheri 97 5-2474.
KODAK area: Experienced DANISH sofa; 2-oeice sectional, $25 each. 3-piec bumper end sedion-ol, $50. Blonde tables, co*cktail, corner, step, $8. Hanging keg bar, $15. Crib, $9.
Bookcase divider, $4. FR 7-0273. Pianos end Organs 107 portable, 4100, Gl GE dishwasher. Le UNIVERSITY, 477: Studio. Ideal eouoie.
Laundry facilities. Inquir Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds BABY sitting, weekly; lunches. Rd. section. Call CL 4-2281.
2-9601. plates, fuel, or any orner worthwhile purpose. Open Thursday to 8 p.m., Saturday to 1 p.m. Write or phone ahead 325-6336. Home 8, Auto Loan 200 Burk corner Main St.
-St. Paul St. Mortgages S8 FIRST and second mortgages purchased. Immediate decisions. Mar.
golis, BR 1-1030. 84 CHILI Ave. section: Modern studio, kltchenett, new furnishings. Fl 2- 98 Furniture Apartment No. 15.
UPTON Lower, utillli. A0 P. M. BABYSITTING: My home, 1-2 pr school children. Weekdays.
BU El ECTRIC baseboard and portable heaters, humidifiers Iturnoce ond portable). Electric supplies and light- AEOLIAN aualltv pianos. Chlckertng, Fischer consoles and grands. Prlt- ehard Piano Store, 159 North St. GULBRANSEN organs giv vou the real organ sound without ony ex CASH diamonds, gold.
Watch, 546 Sibley Tower. 0169, auate 3 aauiTs. ousei. nu DINING room table, walnut finish, excellent condition $12 Lawn mower, good condition, $2. GR 3 1060.
4-5476. WEBSTER: Studio, all new, overlook- Ina fixtures. Cash ond carry saves DIAMONDS expertly reset while you CHILI Gnese Pk. Neat studio Private bath, entrance. Kltchenett.
Gentlman Brterred. BEDS watch. Norman E. Shurkus Jewel na go course; i mm. Aerox.
unti you money. Open Tuesdays till 9 m. tras to buy. Come In and see why CHILD care by experienced mother, any age, all hours. Henrietta area.
$20 weekly. ED 4-1473. UNFINISHED SUPERIOR DRAPES, double width, flowered naonu nr hi.vina Gulbransen. Con- (Corner Lvell ana ueweyi, s-u a-rom er, 534 Sibley Tower Building, 32S- 3889. ID 6-5503.
tles Included; $110. Cuyier Webster, N.Y., OS 1-1150; TR 2-1941 after 5. Empire Electric Supply Co, paneled, lined, $25 pair; rug, venient terms arranged. Music Lov-Orav flowered, $20; Gl 2-9601. I ers Shoope, 375 East Main St.
125'CLIFFORD, 2205 3-4 room aoart- A9i Biitlm. Menterl Adults Rooms. Meals for Aged MORTGAGE, Building Loans, Refinance vour mortgage 90 cf appraisal to release frozen assets, 5" interest. 15-30 years. Wm.
W. Oman 106 Wilder 232-3088; nltes, BR 1-1312. WEBSTER 327: r. ac Mnn. ELECTRIC heat, baseboard, portable baseboard, fan forced, radiant heat.
For your heating needs go to $65; Holpolnt refrigera- NEW Wurlltzer spinel piano, section: Beautiful room, meals, preferred. CASH for vour diamonds, old gold, antiaue lewelry, gold coins. See Irv Weisbuch at Burke's Jewelers, 28 Clinton Ave. Manger Hotel, Living room, bath. Closets.
ONE OF AMERICA'S LARGEST UNPAINTED FURNITURE DIVISION OF ROTHMAN'S tor, $50; Frloidolre outomatic Solid oak construdlon. 10-year lady preferred. MA 1-4442. CULVER, 2467: Modern 3 rooms. dinette, oeoroom, Heatea.
Mcvnards, 428 State St k.muuinarcl A rt main entrance. Phon 325-5420. ts, food! Suitabl 2-3. Busline. DU 1-2367.
CULVbR-Main: Three rooms, busl- CHEERFUL, homelike, good ond care. BR 1-7724, 2-4. WELLINGTON, 18, corner Chili: 4 adults. ID money? Let us combine OH your; HAUTE meitlng crystals, $1.65 cwt. tote Appraisers, 6-DRAWER CHEST S18.95 washer, $50; rose beige Axminister guarantee Includes finish.
Why mor rug, $75. HO 7-2696, evenings for less? A "teacher at the flia of a or weekends. tab," the exciting new and exclusive HiDE A-BED, $75; desk, cha rs, showchord. Available en the new i. tmrc tnr 7ea r.onn so net organ, tea- Beautiful, suiraoi BUNK BEDS ness Bins preterreo.
nu Machinery ond Tools 87 126 Rooms and Meals 6-9052. bills Into one monthly payment; tree, delivered. Phone oraer to v.u no red tape, credit or 4.i886 0t onv hour. Wm. A.
Archer appraisal fees. Albert, GL 8-57j. 491 Elmgrove Rd CULVER-Tltus: Modern. 4 3 204: S2 lamps, tl GR 7S82 11-4 luring 2-soeed Leslie speaker systems. RUGBY Ave oins; earning, nu Ford; unit shovel HD 11 good condition, UN 5- WESTMINISTER Gentleman 1 23-28) to share 9 room house with same.
Excellently furnished. CH Good home, ex-Gentleman day BACKHOE; 1 bulldozer, 68)9, meals. Built-in repeating percussion on both cedent p.m. After 9:30 p.m. ond Sunday, mnaj between J-7.
i HOSPITAL chifferobe, $15, FIRST Realty Co. will purchase, Electric mixer $10, Lamos $1. $76.95 $10 95 PRICES S6.95 4 95 8.95 CULVER, 1176: 2-4 share, all utilities, good location. HO 7-0275. RECORD CABINET PLASTIC-TOP BAR KITCHEN UNITS, LOW BOOKCASE BEDS BOOKCASE 4-DRAWER CHEST FULL DOOR MIRROR NITE TABLE manuals ond Conn Independent tone worker 4-7499.
FORKLIFT trucks ond power sweep place, refinance 1st or 2nd mon-. Kitchen cabinet $10, BE 5-0179. generating system. Conn organs start nt 895 Keyboard City, 2933 West Rooms, Furnished 127 CULVER-Parl area: 7 rooms, 2 vvESTSIDE: LIVING room sectional, like new, $300.00 Including end tobies. Dining room suite $150.00.
Stove and re cash. Call now, ers, used. Charles L. O'Geen, 10 Adults preferred, studio; busline. HOSPITAL beds, wheel chairs.
Rent goge; Immediate 56-5658. baths, newly redecorated. Share vat bath, Cairn Rochester, id 6-950. Henrietta Rd. Open night till 10, itt 2 aim.
Immediate occupancy or sale, utner Types or n- 5-4965. frigerator, 3 years old, $100.00 each. ALEXANDER. 253: Singles, doubles, monthly, weekly rates, 546-1760. The Normandi.
FORK Lift Trucks. 20,000 15,000 BR 1-2479, $14,88 5-1638. Collect Newark 8-2377 Otter 3:30. 4-DRAWER DESK rriRNFR CABINET HOME Mortgage Co, RIHn now with .10 520 Granite equipment, rental only pennies a day. year's expert- Monroe Surgical, 93 Monroe 546-8595.
WINTON Rd. Modern 1 roams. 232-3452, LU 6-1068. $19.95 15-331-6009. SPINETS, other used oianos.
Bargain MAPLE twin bedroom, $50; crib, APPLETON (West Ave.) Spacious ence, helping people finance and nAPTAADUTH: Larae mecond floor, Parking lot rear ot STore, chifferobe, $35; dinette, $25; TV, $45; radio, $8. HO 7-4277, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Suitable 4 utiAATniFiFRc. for vour winter com room, refrigerated, conveniences. Gentleman.
ID 6-074L STU d'i O. private bath. CL 4-7548. ELDERLY retired woman to share with same. Private bedroom, with TV.
Share bath, references. Writ fort, portable and type to be in girls. DU 1-2353, evenings, lb. 12,000 lb. for rent bv hour, dav, deek, or month.
Call Rausch Equip- ment. DU 1-4414. GRINDER, surface, 6x18 Ried motor ized spindle, excellent condition; 6x12 surface grinder. 14-ln. optical comparator.
Covel cylindrical grinder. Hvder Machinery and Tool, 90 S. Washington 32S-2210. MOWERS: Rotary and reel, $30 DELCO-Camera Works area: Paneled priced. aman win ucui, ''-pare, be convinced.
CO 6-8219. 21 17. RENT a new spinet piano, $1 month. Prltchord Piano Store.l5jNot.tit. BEAUTfFUL walnut Plnet, full 88 notes Fin aualltv piano 10-vear guarantee.
$375. Prlfchard Piono Store, 159 North St. Open and CORNER DESK $14.89 ASK FOR 44-PG. CATALOGUE USE MIDLAND CHARGE 285 Joseph Av. 232-4134 FREE PARKING-OPEN EVES.
EXCEPT FRI. 4, SAT. 1:30 ARGYLE, 34: Working girls pre terred. Kitchen, laundry privleges. CH 4-3953.
modern studio, pk i-oyi each; sprayer 44; ping-pong fabi $15; stov $50; refrigerator $25; bureaus $4, $15. FR 7-1753. 815ML, This Newspaper. stalled on furnace. Maynards Elec- tric, 428 State St KITCHEN cabinets, metal or wood.
Closeouts, S0 off. Also, sinks. DEWEY-Greece: Modern living-bed- FOUR rooms, upper, heated, newiy buy their own home os well as helping mortgage holders cash their mortgages. Your home mortgage problems deserve careful considerate attention. Call Leon J.
Brown, 732-4778 or GR 3-7419. MORTGAGES, are vou paving a 1st and 2nd mortgage on vour home and would like to consolidate Into one? Or do vou want to increase vour mortgage to make repairs, or want to buy under FHA or VA mortgages? If so call Alvin ORIENTAL rugs. Like new, 9x12, AUGUSTINE, 68: Pleasant room with sink. Gentleman. $9.
CL 4-1130. room, private entrance, kitcnen, bath. Parking. Utilities. Suitable Frenchman Sweet, 53 Canal palntea ana rurnisnea.
rrivnia entrance. Suitable 2 adults. Reason. $179. 8x $79.
Others MA Thurs. tves HYDRAULIC hose, hydraulic fittings. All sizes, any thread styles. Assemblies made to order. Tennv.
TU coupl. NO 3-0937. AVENUE 275: Pleasant sleeping 1-3519. able. 232-4497.
OVERCOAT, black, S15.00; overcoat brown, Two suits, gray. COLONIAL Hying room, dining room room, clean, quiet. Reasonaoie. CO 6-2008. 9-1 391 $10.00.
All size 42. CL 4-8530. ARM chairs, $7.95. Sofa beds, $49.95. Komlnz Furniture, 144 N.
Water. sets, stove, retr aerator, television, DOWNTOWN, apartment building: 3-4 rooms, bath. Parking. GR 3-29)8. DOWNTOWN: 5 minutes walk to Mid-town.
Apartment building, 128 Broad 4nhle mn kwirAnm -etc. POWER tools, Block Decker, Porter Cable. Milwaukee. Delta; Pow CHOOSE vour piano ot Shale tor finest selection: Stelnway, Sphmer, Everett, ond Cable-Nelson. Inauir about our rental plan.
Jos. Shale East Avenue, corner Glbbs. PIANO: Spinet 88 note Baldwin Arrosonle maple, bench ncluded. PAINTS, interior decorating at saving prices. Brush buys! Herkru BRIGHTON 57: Large front room.
Completely redecorated. BEDROOM suite, 5 piece hide-a-bed, fish and aauarlums, rock- ALL utilities. Three modern rooms. both. 546-3766, Gl 2-1460.
APPRENTICE carpenter: I'll cut your rent In half for 4 hours labor weekly. GR 3-0791. Apartments, Unfurnished 131 complete; condition. er Specialist, 74 University, 546-4861 L. Moose, Realtor, 454-1670.
blond, excellent Asking er, recliner chairs, etc. Mussow's, Gentleman preferred. Friday to 8 p.m. mTtrtgagS bought: lst7TnX7ck UJVMmrM. SCAFFOLD! NG.
Universal EZE originally $600. CO 6-4723, eve- OL 4-8630. way, large studio, tun size Kitcnen, PICTURE frames; over 600 In stock cash. H. B.
Rosenbloom, GR 3-6545 oolvanizea scafforaing rem or sale, nings. i.i.r-rc onvate bam, neat, not water; Beautiful. $600. 1805 Westtoll Rd in 16 sizes; -values to $5.78, all $1 CHILI Large front room, semi-private bath. Gentleman.
ID 6-0606. consult us tor layour engineering. furniture. 5 rooms, liv-1 ers RernnrHtlnnerl. 90 ua.
Rod. ir-rOT-S-ST-r-Tifh en rnlk. excel, leach. Nichols Wyman24M lwi iB-G Eauipment, BE 5-1 ISO. .1....
Si rtrer' ieec Ina roam, tlavs. refrtaerlotor. anlvx.e. AA7 Titus. ALDINE.
30: Attractive, 4 rooms, bath, stove, refrigerator. Heated. All utilities. ID 6-0958. lent, $200.
Byrnes, UN 5-1885. MORTGAGES, residential, commercial and industrial; city and suburban. Quick adlon. Klonlck Realtors. 325-3890, POOL tables, oinballs.
phonographs. tractors trane, Telescoping oportmem size, suirgoie cottage, r-wic rent vnu a piano ROASTER oven with cabinet clock CHILI-West sedion: Modern sleep-ing room, $11 weekly. ID 4-6692, I others. Suitable recreanon rooms. Gentleman preferred.
Ring apt 3, or LU 6-0122. EAST Ave. area: Modern 3 rooms, newly decorated. New tile bath ond kitchen. $40 weekly.
546-3811. EAST area: 3 rooms. Newly decorated. Parking. with sld arm electric very, very reasonable.
GL 8-1482. for little as $8 oer month plus in dobr, Quick broiler, like OL 4-8070 lift, hand operated winch. BEOS, dressers, stoves, vanity, cof new, $8. Rug, 9x12, Amercian Ori ALEXANDER, 237: Across Genese Hospital, studio apartment ond 1-bedroom apartment, newly redec- IflfrOAi 5 Wonted fe POOL table. $45; humiamer, Phelps, 315-548-3143 cartage.
All monies will be.0.?"3'1. toward purchase of piano, con oao-3883. Mr. Klem. fee tobies, rugs.
Reasonable. LI ental, $50. GL 8-5360. CLINTON Ave. 1321: Newlv fur- nlshed, sharp studio-tvoe.
Linens, two, with kitchenettes. Also available in Kodak Park sedion, and Averill Ave. LI 4-3054. After4 stock, also parts, 4-3830. WANTED' $3,000 needed to consolM ping pong rapie, par P.ows RUGS: 1.
11x12. 17x15. oood rood All utilities. GR 3-9664, after 6. lifting bench, Jio.
pnno- pumps far all plows. Mik Joe Eauioment, 546-7354. tion, $150. Refrigerator, good condition, $125. Must set to appre dendron $35.
HO 7-7796 EAST Avenu: Two room studio, aate aems. Keoay your Terms. 4-0744 after 6 p.m. VII INSTRUCTION POWER snow sled, AMF Skl-Dod- ciate. 732-3633.
parking, GL S-3703, BU e-uojo TABLE saw, 9-ln. Delta; av $29. Alharts, 1110 Culver Rd. dler. John Feathers, 4135 W.
Henrietta Rd. ED 4-3480. BEDROOM set, solid walnut, double bed, dresser, chifferobe, end tables, lamps, $150. Solid walnut handedrved period davenport, $100. Chairs, Tables, $35-25.
Lamps, $20. Breakfast set with serving table, $40. Excellent condition. Hours: 11 am-4 p.m. 2309 Highland Ave.
orated. See superintendent. ALEXANDRIAN Apdrtments: Corner of East Ave. and Alexander St. On and two-bedroom apartments available.
Stove, refrigerator and utilitiei included. Rental agent on premise BR 1-0413. Fred B. Kravetz Manage- ment, 232-1525. ALEXANDER, 403: Across from Mon.
roe College. First lloor, semi. COLUMBUS Uvic center nas desirable rooms for retired ladies, oetv tlemen on permanent basis. Convenient downtown location, near stares, restaurants, tneaters. Elevators, maid service.
Inquire 50 Chestnut. Automobile, Flying Instruction EAST Ave. Beautiful new modern sty-dig, shower. 1-2. CH 4-0472, 546-6330 EAST 747: Attractive front studio apartment.
Weekly, monthly. TROJAN Loader: 2 wheel drive. Ford trador loaders, snow bucket ond cob. 2760 English Rd RANGE hoods, pre-lnventory clos to SOFA, custom made, $55; chair and ottoman, $45; side chair, $10; matching end tables, pair $15; tier fable, double oven electric ttove, $45! 20" bike $5. GR 3-3144, 30 Glen Ellvn Way, outs trom sy UP.
yiavnaras civiiiiw LEARN to fly, complete flight train-j42f State St. CROYDON Attractive accommo finest ing for a pl ot inoiviauot i ErTTiJiur, massaae chairs, Instruction approved under Gl. Ray R.C.L No EAST 13 Goodman: Beautiful spacious 3 rooms. Everything modern. WOOD working machinery and motors for commercial use, verv reasonably priced.
Kltfleberger's Furniture 400 Avi Ave, BEDROOM suite, 3 piece, formica tops, chest, mirrored bureau, 4 months old, $140. UN 5-9813. dations, suitable professional per furnished. Inquire superintendent. obliga- Hvlan School of Aeronautics.
Hylan sonnel. BU 1-4996 evenings. Airport, w. Henrietta, BR 1-8069. I 7i RELAX-A-CIZOR, Stouffer Princes DARTMOUTH 209: spacious, redeco ELMGROVE, 463: Studio, kitchen, bath, utilities, parking.
GL 1-5079. SOFA, $40; two upholstered chairs, $40 each; two leather-too tables, $35 each; mirror, $40; walnut piecrust toble, $70; six dining room chair, $50; 33" diameter round, polished, black marble toble top $30. 93 Folr Oaks rated, buses, gentleman. CH 4-2012, BEDROOM, Heritage, double bed, triple dresser, mirror, night stand, rew $700, asking $249. GR 3-9387.
AMBASSADOR Apartments, 86 Union St. Modern apartments 1-2 bedrooms. Inquire Superintendent. AMES-Tavlor: On 3-room, ene 4-room. BE 5-1767, inSTrucrion viasses coach style.
Excellent condition 65 FA 8-4058, BRIDGEPORT Mills: 16" Shaper, 6x18" Grinder, Model 4,000. Atlantic Job Borer in excellent condition, approximately 4 years old. Brifton Machinery, LU 4-5980. UN 5-2952. -IBM SI 00 JLAC-J
IDU bAuniinr-h. EMERSON, near Lake: 3 rooms, clean, private bath. 454-7505, DELAWARE 96, off River Rd. Brighton. Home privileges ORGAN SALE Many unusual volue In brand name organs traded In during December.
Below are a few samples. BALDWIN $488 Consoiette Organ HAMMOND $588 Spinet, walnut finish GULBRANSEN $688 Soinet with Built-in Leslie Sneaker Several others starting at $388 LEVIS MUSIC 412 E. MAIN ST. 546-3483 OPEN TUES. THURS.
EVES. BEDROOM Set, walnut, dressr, chest of drawers, vanity, bench, 402 data preparation Comtometer SNOW Blowers: Torro, AHens. Sun-Day, evening, Saturday classes now, beam; priced from $89.50. Alhart forming. Coll Comptometer School, io Culver Rd.
Off East Ave, 2 bed. Brighton, after 4 p.m. er oil day ientteman snare -oea -j ARNOLD Pk room ooarlment with same. CL rooms, PORTER Cable-DeWott tools. Schoe- double bed, good condition, SI50.
CO Saturda ond Sundav. dressing room, I poms. ij 4-4034. Stove, refriaerator and utilities in, e-58J. SNOW Blower: Jacobsen 26' EAST (Granger): Light housekeeping, linens, parking.
$10 Gentleman. BR 1-7076. heavy nhelt, 605 JJorton StHO 7-0837. special ALL tvDes electric power tools. 66 Private Instruction duty 6 reg.
ja.v3, FARMINGTON: Luxurious new apart- eluded. Superintendent on premises, ment oroiect. fcvery modern con- GR 3-1492, Fred B. Krovetz Manage- demonstrator $299 95 Ridae Culver Schoenheit, 405 Norton St. HO 7- FERNWOOD 254 BEDROOM set, contemporary mahogany, 6 piece, cost $750, sell $225.
50 Viennowood, off Edgewood. Brighton. Sleeping room Fl 2-8816. 0837. STOVE, refrigerator, $50; for.
mica kitchen set, $40; blonde double dresser, mirror, 50; mahogany chest, $35; den furniture, $25: BR 1-8436. 100 St. Regis Dr. N. TOP trade-in allowance for used venience.
Rentals from si so, iy mm- ment, g2-m. utes from downtown Rochester. Op- av'cau ic in for gentleman, can (St. Paul): Three 90 Sporting Goods GARFIELD TV. uany.
cveni, ur uiw. rooms, reosonooie. ri i-Jtr. SPANISH Instrudions for beginners or advanced. BR 1-9036L PROFESSIONAL Tutoring Service.
Certified, ennoble teachers, every subject. CH 4-yi55 VIII LIVESTOCK man preterrea. ID 6-9946. 325-2124 or WA 4-5214. BEDS, $5.
Mattresses. $5. Sorinos $5. Choirs. S5.
Sofa. $10. Studio BILLIARD tables, 60 tables on dis Inauire. 4 uooer. AVENUE 170: Hardware, 1B39 siage nae STATION Eauipment, Alignment, Balancer, Tune-up, Tire Changer, Steam Cleaner, Arc Welder, Acces- anei I ike MA 1-5749, STORM windows, 1,500 wooden, used.
Excellent condition. Full seledion SI uo. 464 St. Paul dally. 325-7780 TVs, ranges, refrigerators, kitchen GENESEE: Reosonoble.
Convenient. fenced yord. hall double. SI5 nominz. t44 N.
water. play. bt duvs or scnoennen uu- inn Pcftsnwood Ave. CO 4-3244, FULTON. 116: 3 rooms, parking.
2' -50. GL 4-0806, CL 4-4396. Norrnsiae, North 5t. AVENUE 189: 4 rooms, uooer. 3 buslines; parking.
Room service. HO 7-5384. RCAKFA3T Sei, Table marbie top. 186: Apartment with 2 bed- 464 Jetterson Rd. OK j-auju.
BOMBARDIER. Johnson, AMF, FULTON rnnmt "ett 4 choirs, like new. Cost $140, osk- GENESEE 1200: (UR-Strong). Girl; aygjinhie imtTieqioieiv. vim e-ouo.
BACKUS, 34: Upper 3Va rooms. Mod WRITING desk: $10. Good condition. Maytag Ironer. condition, $80.
2H bed frame, $70. GL 4-1667. 2 ouuiis. utilities. ond Ing $50.
BU 8-0805. Bees, Birds. Fish and Supplies Doos ono trailers, buy now privilege, fa mm. be s-2110. 69 SWIMMING Pool.
15x42. filter, lad' ern, couple pren-rreg. vji- o-jjo. SuODlies. 100 Pat- sove.
Schoenheit AIJNK raerts. heavy 3" posts, full GENESEE Pk. Blvd. 247; Quiet 464 jetrer- der, etc. Good condition.
Used oneiIonwood CO 6 3244. season. SI 15. CO 6-0043. son GR 3-4050.
room, telephone, elderly gentleman BABY parakeets, canaries. 192 Belmont Rd. NO 3-3463. 39-ln.
width, comolete wth ladder ond guara rail. terms. Siesta Sieeo Shoo. 488 N. Goodman, open GATES: Studio, modern oportmem building.
Comoletelv furnished. Electric kitchen. Air-conditioning, disposal, carpeted. Heat and hot water included. Spencerport Rd.
Coll Mrs. Day Waiter, Superintendent, ROPER aas stove, excellent condition. broiler, $100. Uohoi-stered chofr, slipcover, $25. Fl 2-9421.
UPRIGHT plena, antiaue Brftlfe. Good condition, $50. Kandcril. N.Y., 459- preferred. GOLF clubs, MocGrgor, Hogon, BARRINGTON 152: One bedroom oparfment.
Newly remodeled. First floor. Inquire superintendent. BAUER 4: Off Sherman. Four room aportment.
GL 4-2090. CARROL'S Decern oauarlum BR evenings tit) fRACTOR. 4 snowolow and mower; also others trom $50 uo; snow blowers, new and used. 4 Executives; never used. Staffs.
2579. GIBBS 1-5710, 164: Sleeping room. 5 p.m. TV combination, $150; add choirs, S15-S20. CL 4-4742.
546-5310. ond arands recon- USED upright CL 4-191Z au i pment, CO 6-7861 warrs ntv. coma In CHAIR, gold upholstery, $50. TV 21" RCA 475. Kitchen table, 4 chair, $50.
LU 6-7600. airioneo wim GOODMAN 1 1 fford section: 445 monthly! eentleman referred. CO and see these bargains. New pianos GUNS. Archery.
Boots, Motor, Troilen, Hitdie. Sports. Trms, Trades. Slims, 352 Empire. 9-7.
two, AAA specials: Sh gallon set uos, $9 81 10 gallon set UOS.S13 81. IS oolion set uos. $17.81. 20 oolion set ups. S70.ll.
29 gallon set uos, $29 81. 10 gallon oauariums, $4.40. Heaters. 59. Baby parakeets, cocoteeis, and prize winning canaries.
Compete pet supplies. Carroll s. 1652 TRICYCLES. 1-4389. 4-3143.
VERTICAL Venetian blinds (2) 4'4" $20 eochJ W' olnk washbowl with toucets 41 water pump ond tank 435; large ironer 410. OS 1-6063. In every styi ona wo i Trom Convenient terms arranged. Ask about our rental plan. Music Lovers COFFEE matching lomo table.
$40. 4-eiece Iritchen set, $40. 2 lamps, $15. GR 3-2360. GATES: One bedroom, modern ODortment building.
Completely furnished. Eledric kitchen. Air-conditioning, disposal, carpeted. Heat and hot water induded. Spencerport Rd.
Coll Mr. Dave Weiser, Superintendent, CL 4-1912, VERIFAX copier: 11x17 copy lz ICE Skates: 300 pair, used and new, Mm.i. MHuitiAa. ti Tennv. i from $1.9.
Skis, toboggans. Cash $16-121, on vote both. TV, linens. UN 5-2072. GREECE: parking.
Shoppe, 375 tan twain at. tii e.noi 'for shotguns, rifles, ooif sets, lanei HIGHLAND Ave Attradlve St. Paul, DINING room suit, I piece, oak, $75. good condition, GR 3-8743. fiA WALLPAPER 0 nl COMBINATION slnk-dishwosher, $20.
HiFl cabinet. $70. Exterior ond closet doors, $10. Drapes, carpeting, $50. 149 Glen Ellyn Way.
rrnlrnl kitchen, balcony. Parking, bus. GR 3-2703, BAUSCH-Lomb Sedion: Three room. heated, $60. Coll ED 4-4402.
BLAKESLEE 3Vs uooer, stove, refrigerator. Private. Couple preferred. Available February 1st. HO 7-9514 after 4.
BLOOM I NGD ALE 4 rooms upper reor, redecorated. But line, Fl 2-7073. BROCKPORT: Sweden Lon. 2 bedrooms. $135.
Studio. $110. Soundproof, eif csrsdifistd, av posail, opoi'onces, hot water heat. Porking. Call 1 NE-7-5390.
HAVE vour piono tuned by expert technlcions. Call 232-5727 for appointment. Music Lover Shoppe, 375 East Main St. GENERAL Dynamics: modern ot- mtr pfiuke less. in nun tu.s.
rr. Kr wcttf formica, 4 choirs, yet- Sf JSA-V) B. ea lll U'Wi HUC-E assortment of canaries, parakeets. Armarium Sr Pet Shoo. Ave.
KODAK Sedion: Twin beds, private I tradive rooms, Copoertone stave. 97-94 Monroe tro Sond low ond orpy, $30. BU 4-5764. ona usea. rre tro oamircn a.
entronc. parking, suitable 1-2 retngergror. suirooit tor 4. ii ui Wmton neor Ma 'n. ning room set, eleon, excellent rtr.u, oapr t.
p. Z-V30. snow thrower, V660, excellent condition. plover. IMPORTFD Australian looo drapes 18x9 $'00; beige living room carpet 21x 2.
$100: blue bedroom carpet 14rW $75: 9x3 mirror $30. Call BR 1-1095 from 9-1. condition, $35. BE 5-6586 evenings. Schoenheit I wf.r.E HiiL-' rmZanr WJo Also used snow throw- SKIS, complete ski shoo KODAK: Room, breokfost, parking.
7 9691 Potto nwood Dr. CO mniiNri Onrnn Set: Modern. 7-oieee. mowers Wehner. Suooiies.
oo GENESEE Share 7 rooms, suitable student. Girt preferred Wosher. dryer. BE 5-9561, BE 5-7430. Jeferson Rd GR 3-4QS0 Aonooony.
$80. CO 4-150S. i Mower Yard Eauioment. 2321 4-3244. 464 SECOND Hand Fisher HI-FI FM-AM unlrar avttan rtia ra nt erences.
UN ygZ. STOVF. Admiral, oood. 1100. 1 cushion maple Colonial ofa.
1 mattooanv ar wotnut wood. $1295. obi.iiwhie Phils and Pet Pdoewoy Ave. bindnas-boots; pockage dean room, 4 choirs, hutch, $100. Shoo.
EosNvov P'aza Webster, Y. iserviCE station eou.oment Scout Xommeic.ol. Gooamon pioza.i eedroom. twin beds, tma. head finen till iaturdovs fill 4.
rwna ninw Ta wtle estot 1143 BU. rjnar d. aud triol vonitv, jvv: carge room, twin beds, luifobt kitdten prtvlleoes. GIBBS 164: Stud apartment. BOBRICH etf Blossom Rood: furnished, utilities.
BR 1-5710, offer I Stud.o ond 1-ond 2 bedroom ooorl-1 merits available. rnenthty. motching choir, $90. CO 6-3111. IMus Lover Shoppe, 375 Moln St.
Household ooods end SECOND Hand Magnovox stereo. I LAKEVIEW-Kodok section: Private OS 1-63 corner Norton. I om-lOom. SKI Doo: Bomboroar, Ski Doo. 10 drnser, m.rror.
chest, $175. Kitchen. PRIVATE ol. All utilities inctuded HU 7-0756 GOODMAN 334: Sfud'O. kitchen P1IDD1FC hnhu porokees, conanes.i STOVE: 36 Moo Che' 1S 3' ona 14 no.
in stocic bcook o-ave- trte. reufHi, tormico. 4 omiquei. Frraoy, soturoov, jon.i soeoker ivsrem. pcpnon, In oood ly 2425 Tewn Retriaerotnr.
2-door, Fngidtnre, W3. 14, 15. 10 a fa 4 m. 144 Watt $159 95 Mure Lovers Shoooe. 37JiBriyilegs, eocft room, Bork Rd Rochester.
N.Y. Ber complete lot. GR 3-231 Joctrton Potmyra. AAom St. 'Ina.
Gentlemen. GL 4-721. 32: Uooer 3 rooms, bath. Utilities furnished. All ette Woman preferred.
BR 1-0790. St. Sunday, evervna- I Garage hemten. gu.neo oigs. nt-es 'T tev'ons, vjj eom, et.
At 1 Pet 4M 1 mnflit an. HO M0! 7. Here, on these pages, you have the Greatest Array of Job Opportunities.